Archive for the ‘Self-Awareness’ Category
Petraeus Resigns Why?
Just when you think it can’t get any more absurd you find out you’re wrong. Director of the CIA General David Patraeus resigning over an affair? Really? He couldn’t keep it a secret? Please. This is so tied to the shameful fiasco in Benghazi that caused four good Americans to die, two of whom were heroic ex-Navy Seals, that its hard to believe the “powers that be†would have the audacity to try and sell this cover-up.
But wait. Of course they would try and sell it to a nation that just re-elected Barack Obama.
Now, I believe in Divine Providence. I was certain that our Creator had a hand in the election results which is why I was disappointed, yes…but not angry or despondent as so many who contacted me. As of this latest news about the General, I have ever more certainty (if you can even increase certainty) that  there is a greater plan at work than anyone yet perceives.
One of the hallmarks of an “ascension†or “expansion in consciousness†is more energy…more Light…more clarity if you will. It becomes increasingly difficult to obscure the illusions usually perpetrated upon us. Which is why I have been saying for several years now, “There are no more secrets.â€Â What is deceptive and disingenuous will be revealed sooner or later and more likely, sooner.
On one level you have those who like to play in the darkness. They think they can power over others by deceit and manipulation. Hence, the “video caused the Benghazi attack†fiction…until it fell apart. You see, there’s the key. It fell apart.†Why? Because no matter how clever the darkness deludes itself into thinking it is, the Light always has its way.
This affair-driven resignation by General Petraeus reeks of dishonesty. Not the dishonesty to a wife for an extramarital affair bur rather dishonesty to a nation for failure to perform in the function for which he was hired.
Give up AM and FM. Stay tuned to “LMâ€â€¦the LightFrequency Modulation for the latest and most accurate information on this and other scandals yet to unfold.  You tune in by going within your own  core while connecting directly to The Source of All That Is.
It’s going to be a much more interesting second term than they ever imagined.
An Open Letter To Romney Supporters
I had many people reach out to me today via email and phone calls to express their disappointment, frustration, depression, anxiety, and even anger over the re-election of President Obama. I have responded in the same way to each of them. Since their range of emotions is likely indicative of all those who supported Governor Romney, let me share my response here for those of you who feel similarly.
There are no accidents. Life has a plan even when we lack our own or fail to recognize the grander one. I see profound meaning and glorious potential in what has occurred.
The Torah, the first five books of Moses, has God on occasion calling the Israelites a “stiff-necked people.†By that is meant that they can be, and at times were, resistant to following Divine Guidance. I think the word applies to our culture here in the United States.
For quite some time, certainly for the past 50 years, years, we’ve lost our way in terms of prioritizing our values. We became too materialistic, too impatient, too disrespectful of life for both the unborn and the elderly, too condescending to Nature, and too lacking in compassion for our fellow citizens. We look to the state and the federal government to do what is ours to do. We’ve abdicated personal responsibility in so many ways that we’ve forgotten how, and why, to do things for ourselves.
Such behavior is inconsistent with all the great religions of the world and so we have become a stiff-necked people.  Where there is abdication there always follows consequences. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that as government continues to grow and more and more people become externally reliant rather than self-reliant, and the freedom that comes with personal responsibility is eroded to the point that all people feel the constricting arms of dependency…we will awaken. When that occurs, we will have the opportunity to pay the price for the personal liberty we thought we could bargain for nothing. It is good news though. Such a payment is always worth it and, yes assuredly, there is literally Light at the end of this tunnel.
For those of us already awake, it will be a smoother ride knowing that Divine Providence is driving and has a plan. For those unawakened, the ride will not be without its treacherous moments for a stiff neck takes a greater hit than one that has bent itself to the Will of God.
The Election’s Immutable Truth
There is neither rhyme nor reason as to how the November 6th Presidential election turned out as it did. There will be a variety of hindsight quarterbacking with a variety of causes. Some will say money and a machine bought the win while others that the Republicans had the wrong VP candidate in Paul Ryan. The one certainty is that this is a Nation divided and that division is deep and seemingly irreconcilable.
That certainty is the only thing that matters and it needs to be our unwavering focus.
Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Former Soviet Union Premiere Nikita Khrushchev knew it when he said, “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you; we will so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.†Russian foreign policy expert and former KGB analyst Igor Panarin knew it when he predicted economic, financial and demographic trends will provoke a political and social crisis in the U.S. When the going gets tough, he said, wealthier states will withhold funds from the federal government and effectively secede from the union. Social unrest up to and including a civil war will follow. The U.S. will then split along ethnic lines, and foreign powers will move in.
No? Listen to the Obama supporter who, during the campaign, expressed that she was supporting Obama because “I never thought this day would happen. I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car…I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage…because if I help him he’s gonna help me.â€
We have two challenges ahead of us. The first is to quickly educate the American people that throughout all of human history abdication of personal responsibility always ends in bondage. The second is that we are not separate, we are One. Only the illusion of separateness, perpetuated by the few who would have power over the many, can cause us to see one another as adversaries and enemies to be destroyed or upon whom to seek revenge.
It may be too late for the former. It is not too late for the latter and should we get there, be certain there will be nothing and no one left to rebuild or restart.
Personal responsibility and Oneness. A recipe to save a nation on the brink.
Bigger Than The Election?
Today I fell down. It goes to show that when you’re on a path to enlightenment, you can’t afford to let your guard down even for a second because it only takes a second for darkness to gain a foothold.
What happened?
Well, it’s Election Day and not any old Election Day either. It’s one on which many people believe hangs the fate of the Nation. I’m one of those people so my passion about its outcome has been vocal and consistent. However, in my passion, I have tried to be respectful and “allowing†of the views and choice of others. Then today, for a brief second, I let my guard down and my “lower self†came rushing up to the plate.
I walked in on a heated political discussion between two people and jumped right in. I not only jumped in, I added my own heat to the fray…thereby proving that negativity begets negativity, anger begets anger and politics is a dicey subject where, absent respect for difference, the outcome is usually more, rather than less, separation.
After I left the conversation, and the location, I was driving home and again thought about the future of the Nation. Â But by that point I had regained both my equilibrium and my metaphysical footing. My realization was that the fate of the Nation is more in my hands than that of either candidate. You see, politicians come and go but our humanity, compassion and respect for difference is the basis for our success or failure not only as a Nation but as a species.
While I thought the big news of today was going to be who the next President of the United States will be it turns out its a lot closer to home. The really big news of today is that regardless of what is going on around me, and regardless of how far I think I have come on my journey to higher consciousness, I have to be vigilant in living what I know to be true and the highest good for all concerned.
I placed a call to the individual I hardly knew with whom I passionately argued and said, “Regardless of our difference, there is no excuse for being less than civil. I apologize if I was and I respect your right to differ.â€
That’s not only America that’s the road to peace.
The President and Hurricane Sandy
On September 4th I posted a blog titled “Barack Obama: Father-in Chief†in which I claimed that Barack Obama’s real gifts are as a husband and father. He seems to have a sound marriage and be actively engaged with his daughters, who seem to enjoy being in his presence. As a parent and divorcee, these are no small accomplishments and ones for which success deserves recognition.
Good husband and father… perhaps, mentor. But these qualities do not necessarily a leader make and in the President’s case these last three and a half years have painfully driven that point home.
Enter Hurricane Sandy.
Much of the mainstream media, as well as some voters, saw the President return to Washington from the campaign trail, don a flight jacket, make a public address, be embraced by a Republican Governor and concluded that the President “acted Presidential.†That conclusion gave him a slight boost in the polling in advance of Tuesday’s election.
I, for one, assert that what the President did in response to Hurricane Sandy was much more in line with his being a good husband and father than it did with his ability to lead, generally. Surely he must be emotionally available or his girls wouldn’t seem as close to him as they do.  So he gets the emotional component of the devastation wreaked by Sandy.  And certainly he’s repeatedly proven he knows how to seize a photo op and manipulate his public image by manipulating the press.
When you combine those two qualities you can see that he responded to the hurricane consistent with who he really is. Which is why on September 4th I suggested that on November 6th we send him home to Chicago (or Hawaii if that’s his choice) to be the husband, father and perhaps inner-city mentor to young African- American boys that is so desperately needed.
You see, I’m not interested in someone who can “act†Presidential for a passing engagement…I’m interested in someone who can actually be Presidential for as long as they hold the office.
The President’s response to the hurricane cannot be faulted. Not so for the prior term of his Presidency. Let’s stop thinking in snap-shot size thoughts and broaden our perspective and our willingness to identify patterns of behavior.
That done, there remains only one conscious vote on November 6th.
Biden and Bullying
There’s a tragic story out of Canada about a teen suicide. It is the latest in the devastating effects of bullying. I found it so ironic that it followed the Vice Presidential debate by two days because, for me, the connection was unmistakable. No, I am not blaming Vice President Joe Biden for the suicide of a Canadian teenager. What I am calling him on is his modeling of bullying as viable and preferred method of communication.
As a survivor of attempted suicide at age 24, I have a particular sensitivity to tragedies such as the one in Canada. As a talk radio host, I have a need to keep abreast of the news. As a citizen, I have an obligation to be educated, aware and hold my elected officials to a certain behavioral standard of public service and when they fail, to replace them. As a human being, I am personally responsible for not only my own choices but those of others whom I either condone or condemn.
In a nation plagued by bullying, cyber and otherwise, I was shocked and dismayed that in all the commentary and condemnation of Vice President Biden’s shameful behavior during the debate with Congressman Ryan this past week there remains, even as I write, an absence of awareness and identification of the fact that the Vice President was being a bully.
I make this accusation because his behavior was demeaning, condescending, intimidating, designed to make Congressman Ryan look foolish, stupid, out-of-touch and not worth the time or space the Congressman was taking up…in other words…worthless. That is always a bully’s intention and modus operandi.
When bullies succeed, as they did in Canada, it ends tragically.  When they are rewarded, as would be the case in re-electing Vice President Biden, we validate them, their behavior and abdicate our personal responsibility to stand and say to the perpetrator, “You are the loser. You are the one who is deficient. You are the one lacking in self-respect. I choose to condemn your behavior and, instead, stand with your intended victim.â€
It is, sadly, too late for the teenager in Canada. It’s almost too late for the Nation…but not quite.
I saw President Obama disrespect Governor Romney by refusing to look at him throughout the debate and deeming him not worth the effort to prepare. I saw Vice President Biden disrespect Congressman Ryan by way of interruption and condescension. That’s all I need.
Hope and change? I have hope and here’s the change we need.
We have a choice on November 6th. Â We can choose to reject the behavior and politics of bullying, name calling and destruction and choose decency instead. By so doing, we will reject the bullies and move toward ushering in a new era of civility in our public discourse. Perhaps when our leaders exemplify respect for one another, our youth will have new models to emulate and the bullies will be relegated to our national dustbin where they belong.
World On The Brink
It begins.
We are witnessing the beginning of a global insurrection aimed at the downfall of Western civilization as we know it. This is the end result of strange bedfellows having inadvertently, and in some cases deliberately, combined forces to achieve a common end: global domination.
It will be harder to reign in those forces now that we have been averse to self-correcting and accepting personal responsibility for our individual and collective contributions in allowing the world to lose it moral compass.
We have been gluttonous and greedy. We have feigned ignorance and allowed, in some cases condoned, oppression and suffering. The list of errors and omissions is not limited to the Western world. Eastern and Middle Eastern nations have suppressed and oppressed their own people. They condemned and tortured their own, often in the name of God, while diverting attention to the excesses of the West and blaming it for their own refusal to move into modernity.
Because of our unwillingness to be proactive, we find ourselves playing defense. So the question of the hour is, “How do we respond?†This is my answer.
1. Immediately bring all American troops home. They are overextended and depleted from multiple tours of duty.
2. Congress and the President to immediately cease, and suspend indefinitely, all financial aid to any country that protests against or attacks American interests. They do not deserve out help.
3. Alert the world that we will use our resources only to defend our borders and to support the defense of the State of Israel. They are a true ally and share in our humanity and love of freedom.
4. Above all stay focused upon peace and pray.
Judaism begins its 10-day holy period on September 16th which ends with the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, on September 26th. On that date, Ahmadinejad sought, and has been granted, the podium at the United Nations. Islamists love anniversaries and holidays. Do not overlook what is in the works. The time for burying heads in the sand is long gone. Awaken to the reality, take responsibility for the outcome, and create a new one before it is too late.
What President Obama and My Teenager Have in Common
Anyone with a teenager knows that given the opportunity, limits will be pushed. It’s what teenagers do as they attempt to define themselves in contradiction to the generation that precedes them.  And while too much restriction or stifling by parents can harm a teen’s exploration into identity, too little can, and usually does, result in extremist and destructive behavior.
Enter President Obama’s approach to Islamic terrorism.
I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wanted to believe that he knew that unrestrained Islamists, the Muslim Brotherhood and Ahmadinejad (to name just a few) are dangers to their own countries and the world at large. I wanted to believe he was doing everything he knew to protect Americans and American interests abroad.
However, with each passing failed opportunity…from his silent dismissal of the young Iranian protestors… to his misread of now disastrous and misnamed Arab Spring…. to his recent and insulting refusal to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu…my want has been replaced by a certainty that he is either incompetent or an enemy of this Nation.
Again, I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt and conclude he is incompetent. What I will have a much more difficult time doing is giving anyone the benefit of the doubt who votes to re-elect this incompetent and out-of-touch politician.
In 2008, we knew little about Barack Obama. We knew little because he had done little. But we looked past his lack of accomplishment, and his race, to trust his words and invest our future in his potential.  In hindsight, his words were vacuous and his potential nonexistent.
We can forgive ourselves our naiveté and our poor investment so long as we don’t make the same mistake again.
If enough of us are unconscious enough to go to the polls on November 6th and give this man four more years to finish wreaking havoc on the Nation and the world at large, we will have no one to blame but ourselves and nowhere to call a safe haven from the radicals and terrorists he calls friend.
Obama’s Incompetence Is A Factor in U.S. Embassy Attack
In deciding whether or not to re-elect President Obama I think we should be asking an important question.  While I don’t expect my President to be prescient, I do expect him (or her) to have sound judgment and be able to at least sense the direction of the “winds of changeâ€â€¦especially where “change†was touted as an area of expertise.
So, the question is “Has President Obama been able to accurately sense critical change and lead accordingly?â€
I will refrain from going into all of the policy issues (Obamacare, the economy, taxes, education etc.) and instead seek a more generalized analysis based upon our security and liberty in an increasingly danger-ridden world.
President Obama took to the airwaves to publicly support the overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt. He lauded the “Arab Spring†and hailed it as a beacon of emerging democratic ideals in the Middle East.  Never mind the undertow of warnings coming from both inside and outside Egypt that the extremist Muslim Brotherhood would likely be the benefactor of the revolution and an Islamic state governed by Sharia Law the outcome. President Obama’s dismissal of such concerns was because he apparently had more faith in the altruism of the Muslim Brotherhood than did most foreign policy experts or simply freedom-seeking Egyptians, for that matter.
Today is 9/11. The date speaks for itself in the hearts of decent people the world over. But Islamic terrorists love patterns and anniversaries. So today, in the resultant Egypt presided over by a Muslim Brotherhood President, Mohamed Morsi, the U.S. Embassy is being stormed and the American flag torn from its rightful place.
Last week, opponents of the Morsi government were crucified in public.
It is my unwavering conviction that a President who so grossly erred in interpreting, and then wrongly supporting, a critical event in global politics and human history (as did Neville Chamberlain) is the wrong man for the job of President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.
I find his continued support of radical Islam and his blindness to the threats and real danger of the Muslim Brotherhood to be not only willful disregard and gross incompetence, but also, on this date of 9/11, a dishonor to all those who died on September 11, 2001.
Barack Obama: Father-in-Chief
I watched Michelle Obama’s speech to the DNC tonight. There can be no doubt that she loves her husband and is proud of him. There is also no doubt that she thinks he is a wonderful father and from all appearances he is.  She choose wisely 23 years ago.
Now, come November 6th, we have to choose wisely as well.
When I practiced law and taught a seminar for women on the divorce process from beginning to end, I always told them that they needed to retain a lawyer only after they had educated themselves on what the issues in their particular divorce were, understood how the law applied in their case, and then interviewed three lawyers that had been recommended for their skills in the particular issues that mattered. My joke line was, “If you aren’t educated, you’ll pick a lawyer based on looks or personality. That’s a good way to pick a date. You aren’t looking for a date. You’re looking for an experienced guide to take you through uncharted waters.â€
Four years ago we, the nation, chose on looks and personality. The problem, it turns out, is that we were looking for a President and Commander-in Chief for the most powerful nation on the planet undergoing unprecedented economic and foreign policy challenges and what we got was a great husband and father.
Great for Michelle, Melia and Sasha. Sucks for us. In fact, just this week the President admitted that he did less than he could in his first term because of the time and attention he gave his family. What? Did he not contemplate the demands of the job, his priorities and how he’d balance them before he accepted it?
Now, as with all things in life, the “test†comes ‘round again. We get to choose again.  Those of us who are conscious and willing to accept personal responsibility for our choices, cannot possibly make the same mistake twice. We cannot afford to…figuratively and literally.
I think that the appropriate and sensible thing to do is to allow this extraordinary husband and father, Barack Obama, to do what he apparently does best. Let’s send he and his family home to Chicago so he can husband and father.
Then, after doing our due diligence, conclude that with a failing economy dragging us over a financial (and perhaps societal) cliff, we need a leader who understands how to cut the fat, cut the spending, and revitalize a failing economy.
I don’ know about you, but my educated choice is Mitt Romney.