Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

The November Elections: Think Bigger

>You almost have to be asleep to miss the political upheaval taking place.  Its everywhere putting sheer terror into the hearts and minds of both Republican and Democrat incumbents as the November mid-term elections draw near. Politicians of both parties are scrambling to figure out just what the increasingly vocal and disenchanted populace wants of them.  Its on the news day and night and the story will only get more coverage as we head into the Fall.

However, I think its just symptomatic of a much larger story.

It isn’t just a change in our politics. It’s a change in our consciousness… and its impacting every aspect of our lives, not just how we think and feel about government.

While the age-old choice has been one party or the other… the elite or the governed… the rich or the poor…the winners or the losers…such hierarchical constructs are about to experience their own transition.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not talking about replacing Democracy with Socialism.  What I am talking about is revisiting the best of both systems, and any others, that guide and support us in co-creating a world less divided.

So far, no one system has done the job admirably..  although Democracy has certainly, thus far, done it with the most expansiveness and respect for personal liberty. But so far, so good… isn’t good enough.  Nor is it a reason to stop trying to improve upon what we have achieved.>

Authentic change… the change so many hungered for in the 2008 election, the change that has not as yet come but is on the horizon, is a re-balancing of female and male energies in every aspect of our lives. 

The instability we feel at this moment in time in so many area of our lives is that which results from an imbalance in the extremeRiane Eisler, author of  “The Chalice and The Blade”, >identifies the result of such imbalance as having created “dominator” as opposed to “partnership” societies.  The result of a world run by dominator societies is exactly where we now find ourselves.  We have almost perfected the application and use of our financial resources and technological development for extinguishing the planet and all its inhabitants.  

Simply put, we are out of balance.

In the First Five Books of Moses in Genesis, as well as in the majority of pre-history cults and religions, the “story” begins with a Being both male and female.  Where we lost our way was in subjugating, and thereby eliminating, the unique contribution that 50% of humanity can bring to bear upon our conscious evolution.

When we realize there is Only One of Us, there follows the irrefutable realization that in the race to conquer and dominate… we are all speeding to Self-annihilation.

And so, while the news media is busy with whether the Democrats or Republicans will hold the majority in the House and the Senate come November… many of us are far more focused and intent upon a bigger question.

Will we transcend differences and a dominator mindset to see the beauty and value in diversity of gender and partnership… or will we remain distracted by the small stuff and never see the edge of the cliff coming up below our feet?

Now there’s a poll worth taking.

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Secrets of the Obama Administration… and More

It has become increasingly difficult, some might say nearly impossible, for dishonest and corrupt politicians to keep their lies and greed confined to back room deals and off-the-record conversations.  Have you noticed? 
And why is that?

Its because the pendulum can swing only so far before it swings back again.
The Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal was the real turning point, or in the pendulum analogy, the point beyond which the corruption could go no further and had to necessarily reverse itself.  I call the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal “corruption” because it’s occurrence was a corruption of decency, dignity, and integrity. The “outing” of that descent into moral depravity and betrayal of trust on so many levels was significant not for the act itself but for the outing of it.  For in the outing, the pendulum finally reached that critical point where it changes direction.

The directional change we took was away from alienation and apathy for all things ethical and spiritual towards a remembering and rekindling of those same values.

So what does the Obama Administration and secrets have to do with all of this.  In particular not much. In general quite a bit.

This Administration is no more corrupt, greedy or lacking in conscience than those that preceded it.  However, because it is as corrupt as its predecessors, and because the pendulum has changed direction the corruption, greed and lack of conscience will no longer remain undetected or unaccounted for.

And so, no more secrets.

Every day there’s another breaking story about a new back room deal, a quid pro quo in order to get a vote, legislation that’s intended pay back the few at the expense of the many and much, much more.  While its  easy to chalk it up to dogged investigative reporters or the ease with which the technology makes it difficult to keep such things hidden, I think not. 

May I suggest another reason?

Yesterday on television, Glenn Beck interviewed Governor Sarah Palin.  When asked about the soulless behavior of the politicians in Washington, and how it may be impossible to serve in government without losing one’s soul, she replied (and I paraphrase)  “We live in a fallen world and other than our spouse we are not supposed to put our trust in another person, especially not politicians.”

I take issue with Governor Palin’s observation.  By her reply she is obviously religious.  If you read my blog you know I am obviously spiritual.

They are not the same thing.

I do not see the world as “fallen.”  I do not believe there is original sin. Nor an avenging God.  I do believe like the Universe in which we live, We are part of an expanding Consciousness moving towards evermore enlightenment and understanding.  And as you move towards en-Light-enment, things that do not support the expansion, and cannot withstand the Light, are exposed and seen for what they truly are.
Hence, no more secrets. That which has been hidden from us is now emerging into the Light of day.  It is no longer possible to keep such behavior obscured among the shadows. 

This is not a bad thing. However, it makes for a difficult transition.  We have lived in the shadows for quite some time now and so the light of day presents us with challenges.  For one, our “eyes”… how we see things…have to adjust to a clarity and brightness we are unaccustomed to. 

It would be wise for those with apparent power in positions of authority to realize what is happening.  For unless they do, and change their values and behavior accordingly, they will go the way of the dinosaurs.  

We are spiritually going through the equivalent of a cataclysmic change. A new environment is the natural result of such profound change.  It isn’t the strong who will survive.

Its those who understand Oneness.


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The Law of Surrender: Giving Up That Which You Desire

There’s an indescribable freedom that comes from letting go.  I say this without hesitation because I spent decades trying to hold on to people and things or to control outcomes.  Having given that up, I speak with certainty  about the joy of surrender….a concept that engenders fear in so many of us and yet, ironically, is the only way to know and experience Life at its best… and as intended.

Ask most people to define surrender and you’ll hears words such as as “defeat”, “subjugation”, “giving up”, “abandon”, “relinquish” or “yield.”  Even gives the preferred meaning as “

to yield something to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand or under duress.”

No wonder we fear the thought of surrender.  It’s gotten a really bad rap for, well, at least two millennia!

But what if we look at surrender another way?  What’s to lose? (no pun intended).

How many of us have sought, or striven for, something or someone only to find that the “getting” is not only less exciting that the striving…but also that the “having” isn’t all we hoped for…nor does it bring us the happiness or satisfaction we believed it would?

I’d say almost everyone can identify with such experiences and feelings…probably more times than we’d like to recall.  And yet, most of us just go on repeating the same pattern… simply changing the object of our desire or the intended outcome. 

In reality, trying to control either the process or the outcome just isn’t all its cracked up to be.

So what’s the alternative? 

Spiritual surrender.

We have been misled into thinking that surrender means weakness.  But, as power is to force so spiritual surrender is to weakness.  What do I mean by this statement?

Power originates from within and radiates outward. It’s source of supply is regenerative.  It emanates from certainty.  Its goal is harmony.  Force is finite, external pressure applied against resistance.  It seeks to dominate.  Its goal is victory.

Power has nothing in common with force.

Spiritual surrender seeks to go within.  It is a conscious choice freely made to align One’s Self with a Greater Knowing.  It’s goal is Unity for the sole purpose of experiencing Love.  It is predicated upon Trust in the goodness of All Creation.  It presupposes no harm.

Weakness is a reluctant relinquishment of One’s Self to an external force which, through imagination,  has been attributed inauthentic power.  It is predicated upon fear of the unknown.  It seeks to exchange autonomy for the illusion of protection.

Spiritual surrender has nothing in common with weakness.

As I said at the outset, my conclusion is based upon my knowing. It’s not something I’ve read…although there are many versions of it in various spiritual writings.  Knowing comes from direct experience.  It is, therefore, imbued with certainty and results in an expanded consciousness.

Like power.

Like surrender.

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Yom Kippur and The Atonement

size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>It seems getting to God is a team sport.

The holiest day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is about to occur. I am re-reading a book I first read 30 years ago titled “A Course in Miracles.”  size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>These two facts, from a formal, organized religious perspective are seemingly irreconcilable. size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>..mainly because the book is about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and Yom Kippur is …well, you get the picture.

size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>Irreconcilable. I’m sure that’s what most would say.

But I think the messages of Yom Kippur and “A Course in Miracles” are exactly the same.

size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>The holiday and the book are about Atonement.

size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>As a Jew, I’ve always felt the gravity and opportunity of Yom Kippur… yet I don’t think I ever really understood Atonement until reading the book.
size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>
Atonement is the undoing of what you thought occurred in your past.  Well, at least the undoing of whatever occurred to you or by you that was not loving.  It’s more than forgiveness, because to forgive there must have occurred something that needed to be forgiven…and whatever occurs that is not of Love never really occurs at all since only Love is real.  size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>

Everything else is illusion.

size=”3″ face=”Courier New”>Hard to comprehend, right?

But really, if we’ve been created in the image and likeness of God….and God is Love…ever expanding outward energy with Its only intention being to give All to All for eternity and infinity…then how can we be anything other than That from which we came and which continues to sustain us? And if we are That, then We Too Are Love and everything that is not Love…is not real.

The Atonement is setting aside, putting down, walking away from all that is illusion and turning toward That Which Is Real. Turning toward Love. Turning toward Creator.

Having turned, we then surrender to Who We Really Are and commit to Being understanding Oneness…to gifting to every other human being the same Love and Grace we have received as a result of Atonement.

It’s an interesting discussion I’d like to have with a Rabbi and a Priest…in the same room at the same time. 

I think the outcome would be One(1)ness.

Final Score: 
Separate religions O
Spirituality       1

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Christ Consciousness Revisited

Five months ago I wrote an entry titled “Christ Consciousness” that daily continues to receive more hits that any other blog I’ve written since.  So I asked myself why?

I think I know the answer.

It all rests on the difference between reality and illusion….between religion and spirituality.

Most of what we are concerned with, what our minds are preoccupied with on a daily basis, is…quite literally…a distraction from the only thing in life that truly matters: being in a constant state of co-creating with love.   While this may sound unrealistic given the practicalities of life, and somewhat philosophical as well, to the contrary, nothing could be more realistic or practical.

The opposite of reality is illusion.  How many of us know, by way of first-hand experience, that what we’ve been taught, told and sold will satisfy us and make us happy is simply an empty promise.  How many of us “acquire” and “achieve” accomplishments, degrees and “stuff” only to realize that none of it makes a meaningful difference in how joyful or satisfying our lives are?   That’s because the world of achieving, acquiring and materialism is a world created not by the One Mind capable of creating a Universe and more….but rather by only one aspect of that Mind….and a misapplied aspect at that….called the human ego.   Everything ego makes is temporary.  You know it and I know it.  If it’s temporary, then it will come and it will go. And if it can go, then where does that leave us other than in a perpetual state of anticipating and fearing abandonment and lack?

T o the contrary, what is real, and neither illusory nor temporary, is that which Creator is…which is All There Is.  Creator is eternal creativity, ever-expanding outward by way of Its Unified Thought, in a field of loving awareness of Self.  What we have forgotten, or denied, is that we are part of that Unified Thought thus making us co-creators in loving awareness of self.  If Who You Are is eternal, ever-expanding, unified and lovingly aware then you must be something much more than either your body or your ego since both are limited and finite.   Which is why identifying with our bodies or trying to “gain” self love through achievement or acquisition is so unsatisfying and must, ultimately, fail.

What has been forgotten can be remembered.  What has been denied has occurred because when we deny something in another it’s because we are not aware of it in ourselves. The way to heal our own sense of unworthiness, our own alienation from the state of wholeness that is our birthright, is to see others as whole, healed, and worthy in themselves.  By so doing, you return them to the Only Mind There Is and to the Reality where peace and joy reside. 

What you see in others is what is in you.  Therefore, the blessing you have given them becomes yours.

Which is why I think the previous entry “Christ Consciousness” is getting so much attention… for it strikes a deep knowing within each of us.

                                       The way home is lovingly with and through one another

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Christ Consciousness

It’s Friday, April 10, 2009 which makes it the second day of the Jewish Passover and also the Christian Good Friday. In fact, as I write this its 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time so I am technically violating both religious prohibitions: working on the second day of Passover (I am a Jew) and during the holiest hours for Christians 12-3PM (believed to be the hours Jesus hung on the cross). But this isn’t about religion, its about spirituality. It isn’t about the historical man named Jesus either.

It’s about Christ Consciousness.

This week I received a very informative e-mail about an Executive Order signed by President Obama allocating three billion dollars in humanitarian aid to Palestinians living in the United States who left Gaza as a result of the conflict there. The e-mail was calling attention to the fact that there was no provision in the Order to distinguish Hamas members or sympathizers now in the U.S. from receiving such aid. To say the least, the Order seemed disturbing, lacking in safeguards and economically irresponsible given our country’s current economic crisis. There was a link in the e-mail directly to the government’s Federal Register website where the Executive Order could be clearly and succinctly read.  I forwarded the e-mail on to many of my politically and socially aware friends.

Then belatedly and to my horror, I noticed what had been in the subject line of the original e-mail I had now forwarded on.  While the subject line mentioned the Executive Order, it further said it allocated aid to “rag-heads.”

I was frozen in my seat as I read the line. Twice.

The first thing I did was send a follow-up e-mail to all those who had been forwarded the original that said this:

color=”#000080″ face=”Calibri”>
     size=”2″ face=”Georgia”>     I belatedly noticed the subject line language. It is disgusting. size=”2″ color=”#000080″ face=”Georgia”>We should all be offended by
size=”2″ color=”#000080″ face=”Georgia”>          stereotypical, size=”2″ color=”#000080″ face=”Georgia”>derogatory characterizations
against any people as a group, anytime, anywhere.
size=”2″ face=”Georgia”>
size=”2″ color=”#000080″ face=”Georgia”>          As Jews, being the historical and sometimes current objects of
such hatred, we should be particularly
         careful about perpetrating that which so offends
color=”#000080″ face=”Georgia”> I am also sending the originator of that language
         wishes  and hope for their own awareness and enlightenment.

Then I thought about how we think about and treat each other.

What if every morning as you left your home an Angel walked before you everywhere you went proclaiming to everyone you encountered all day long, “Behold! The image and likeness of God.” Do you think you would feel differently about yourself if that actually happened?

Now, imagine that every person you encountered during the day also had an Angel that walked before them proclaiming “Behold! The image and likeness of God.”  Do you think you would feel differently about them as well?  I’m pretty certain the answer to both questions is a resounding “Yes.”

So now let’s return to that offensive e-mail, Passover and Good Friday. Let’s see where God leaves off and humankind begins.

I’m not certain whether God or man prohibited certain work on certain holidays. I’m not certain of the exact date and time the historical man called Jesus hung on the cross and whether or not those hours are “holy.”   What I am certain of is that thinking, speaking and/or writing with hateful and hurtful language about other human beings is a violation of the Christ Consciousness that resides in every human being…an awareness and repository of love that was placed there by God.

Religions have many rules and they have a tendency to be man-made, periodically revised, selectively enforced and subject to interpretation.

To the contrary, Spirituality is an internal knowing based upon thought + emotion that align together in the highest good for all concerned. And while it is also subjective, the difference is that laws of religion are dictated by the few to the many while spiritual laws are born in the heart of every human being and when viewed from the vantage point of love, transcend religious affiliation and differences.

I doubt a Rabbi would be thrilled that I’ve written this, or anything else, on Passover. I further doubt that any religious Christian would be sitting at their keyboard on Good Friday at what is now 12:40PM. However, I believe that the Christ Consciousness within each of us, as well as the going out from Egyptian slave consciousness to a higher State of Being that is the essence of Passover, is in any way inconsistent with what I have done and said here.

When we bring our own personal biases and fears to the message, we can diminish and obscure even the most important of messages. 

This is true not only for e-mails, but for Life.

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The Passover, The Pope, The Pain and The Purpose

>     There are no accidents.
    Sunday was the first day of Passover, the Jewish Holy Day celebrating the Exodus from Egypt. It was also the day Pope Benedict XVI choose to hold a papal mass at Yankee stadium and visit the site of the World Trade Center destruction.
    I think the coinciding of those two events deserves a closer look.
    The “Haggadah”, the annual retelling of the story of the release of the Jewish people from servitude to Pharaoh, holds an important message…albeit not the one usually recalled. It’s really a story about the seductive ease with which we humans relinquish our sovereignty in exchange for some material comfort and the “luxury” of not thinking for ourselves. It’s about the price we pay in handing over our God-given freedom of choice to people with apparent power. It’s about the courage of a few, in the face of the many, to be absolutely steadfast about what is the highest good for all concerned.
    The interesting aspect of the Haggadah is that it instructs us to recount it each year on the first night of Passover in the present tense…not as an historical recollection…but as an experience we are having in present time. Why?
    Because we humans are so susceptible to forgetting and backsliding that even when we “get it”…we’re likely to “for-get it” almost as quickly. The vulnerabilities and challenges of the ancient Hebrews were no different than our own. And just as they forgot where they were headed, and why, as soon as Moses was a little late in returning, so too we forget the “what” and “why” of our own journeys when our anticipated outcomes are delayed.
    So what’s this all got to do with the Pope and pain?
    The First Seder was the Last Supper. Our faiths are inextricably bound by common origin and shared heritage. The message of Jesus I find of utmost impkrtance is his refusal to bend his own values and truth to the will of those with apparent power. He chose to die rather than to be enslaved.
    The realities that clashed and imploded on September 11, 2001 were each stunning examples of the destruction that can be wrought by those with apparent power. On the one hand there were the energies of the Islamists, the radical Muslim fundamentalists who seek to enslave the world through terror and dogma. On the other hand were the energies of Western materialism, which seek to enslave through egocentric values and the worship of materialism. The collision of all that misdirected energy resulted in massive pain and suffering.
    Pain is the result of being “off course.” Whether it’s emotional, physical, or spiritual…pain’s purpose exists to wake us up to the reality that something we are doing, or a way in which we are being, is out of balance with the highest good. The pain occurs to bring us present in order that we may correct our own course.
    There it is. The Passover, the Pope, the pain, and the purpose.
    Let us take all the suffering, the falling economy, the political instability, the uncertainty, and the doubt that is swirling around the planet and begin to correct our own course. We need not compromise our higher selves for a little shelter and some more “stuff.” We need no leaders with apparent power to tell us what, in our hearts, we know to be true.
    When you fail to exercise your own power, there is always someone waiting to enslave you to the exercise of their own. True power is your birthright. It comes from within. It’s exhibited and made manifest through living your own truth. It cannot be purchased but it can be given away in a heartbeat.
    Value your most prized possession for what it is and let your pain guide you to your purpose.   

REMEMBER to click here to download my FREE e-book, “Too Many Secrets.”

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What's In A Smile?

>     The students in Tibet are rioting due to the repressive Chinese regime that seems to be all out determined to commit cultural and religious genocide upon the Tibetan people and the apparent ineffectiveness of the Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile and his pacifist approach.  As a result of the growing chaos, the Dalai Lama is threatening to resign as the head of that government-in-exile, although he has no such option as spiritual head of Buddhism.
    Thank heaven (no pun intended) for that minor technicality. Really!
    Have you ever seen that man smile? He has a priceless joy and innocence that I would pay good currency (and probably a bit more) to be able to live on a daily basis. It’s not naiveté, either. It’s the unfettered, and as yet untainted, innocence of children, before all the rest of us impose the “cant’s” and “dont’s” and “impossibles” of limited belief systems. It’s where we all were at one time…only he’s figured out the way back.    
    The world would do well to study at those feet for awhile.
    Instead, his government-in-exile goes unrecognized by every other government in the world, as does the censoring of Chinese internet access to any stories that shed the light of truth upon Chinese oppression of the Tibetan population. It’s not a surprise, really. The world is usually slow to respond to oppressive regimes where economic issues compound the matter and profit is at stake when standing tall for what is right.
    I think we’ve come far enough that we as citizens of this democracy should demand of our leaders that we do, in fact, recognize the man, the government-in-exile, and the indefensibly inhumane actions of the Chinese government.  And yes, that’s going to have economic consequences and who knows what other consequences as well.
    But here’s the thing.
    History, our history, is replete with examples of how we as a nation turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to efforts by other nations to annihilate a group of people for what they believed in and each of those historical events is a blight upon who we are. Plus, our delay in standing tall, in those instances when we ultimately chose to, simply cost the loss of so many innocent lives and then our fair share of our own. You’d think we’d have figured it out by now that it’s not about the money and it’s not about the oil. It’s always about making choices for the highest good of all concerned.
    So, here’s this amazing, peaceful man with this amazing heart-warming demeanor who makes you feel good and hopeful just to be around him. So turning a blind eye or deaf ear isn’t going to work on this one because he just has to show up and his energy positively changes the room whether you can see him.. or hear him.. or not.
    I suspect this was true of all the great spiritual leaders in history and always will be he case. Perhaps we can get ahead of the curve on this one and not have to stand by while he’s crucified or stoned or incarcerated or tortured. He is, after all, human and such things will hurt him as well as us.
    And although we’d be the worse off if such things happened, I suspect he’d never lose that smile or that childlike innocence.
    After all, he holds authentic power and if there is a secret, he knows it.

REMEMBER to click here to download my FREE e-book, “TOO MANY SECRETS”

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The Media and Hate

face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>     face=”Times New Roman” size=”3″>  Let me disclose from the outset that this is about two separate issues. One is how manipulated we are by the media. The other is about the inevitable effects of hatred. While these seem unrelated at first glance, my thoughts on both are the result of one single news story I listened to this morning.
    A little background music, please.
    I had to leave home very early today. Usually, I check out the headlines on the computer before I do but today there was no time. So my information about the latest news was obtained from my car radio.  Over a three hour period I had listened to three separate radio talk show hosts and the focus of each was whether or not Barack Obama needed to seriously distance himself from his minister, Jeremiah Wright, a very vocal and seemingly racist voice from the Chicago community. Apparently, some breaking news story was focused around Minister Wright’s angry delivery to his congregation on the failings, and prophesied “damned” future, of the United States. And although each of the hosts played excerpts of the Minister angrily delivering his opinion, I looked forward to getting back to my computer to read the story for myself.
    The problem arose when I returned home and logged on. I couldn’t find the story. In fact, I couldn’t find any indication in today’s news why this story was such a hot topic for talk radio. The contrast was a stunning example of how we are manipulated by not only how we get our news, but also which news we actually get. I bet if you had been a mouse at the water cooler in any business where the employees had listened to talk radio on their way into work, Barack Obama and Minister Wright would have been the hot topic. To the contrary, same water cooler… different company with employees who only saw CNN or MSNBC on their computer or Blackberry screens on their way in…well, you get the picture.
    The moral: Think for yourself. Refuse to be manipulated by a select group of people whose political affiliation or agenda spoon feeds you only what they want you to know in order to control you and get from you the reaction they desire.
    The second issue is Minister Wright’s delivery. While the substance of what he had to say may have some merit, the delivery was so filled with anger and blame that the ultimate outcome of his rage can only be more anger and more hatred. I am reminded of an entry I once wrote shortly after the Reverend Jerry Falwell died contrasting his spiritual message with that of Dr. Martin Luther King.  Reverend Falwell had a person or group to blame for every evil…a scapegoat if you will…while Dr. King was about the potential for good in all of us and the need to override lesser instincts for the highest good of all.
    Minister Wright could learn much from that contrast.
    Thousands of years of war have gotten us nothing but more war.  It’s the same with  hate speech. While it may temporarily satisfy a need making someone, or some group, accountable for past injustices…in the long run it just sets up someone else somewhere who, as the object of that hate-filled accountability, eventually feels the need to vent their oppression on some new group down the road.
    And the cycle never ends.
    If Minister Wright wants to be the very public voice of the Black community in America, not to mention the spiritual mentor of possibly the next President of the United States, he would do well to temper the delivery of his grievances with a higher and more effective tone. Such a tone is founded, and grounded, in the knowing that spiritually, only a loving heart heals, and only Love trumps hatred.
    Just as it’s the Light that banishes darkness, not more darkness, so is it that only a loving intent is able to find it’s way into a hardened heart.

REMEMBER to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS.”

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Patience Through It All

>     Much of what I write concerns a “higher ground” approach to living life. As a firm believer in an ever-expanding Consciousness that underlies reality as we know it, I am forever seeking the highest message we can take from each day’s events in order to elevate the quality of the world we co-create anew each day. And while I always find that message, and always promote that we follow it’s teaching, I think it’s worth a few moments to reflect upon what’s needed to transition from fear-based thinking to love-based action.
    It takes patience.
    We’re not long on it these days, mainly due to the rate of speed the technology has us “operating” at. We are all so rushed in trying to keep up with all the demands upon our time and attention that patience has pretty much become an historical concept to most people. And so, when I suggest changing the way your are in the habit of both thinking about and living your life, this can seem an insurmountable task for which you have neither the time nor the patience.
    However, if you devote your time anywhere, it should obviously be devoted to ways that improve your immediate world and the world in general. Because I’m certain you get that part of the process, I feel no need to belabor it. We know the truth when we hear it. Whether or not we choose to follow or act upon it is what Free Will is all about.
    The patience piece, however, deserves a little time and attention.
    I’m no harder on you than I am on myself. I strive each day to be better than I was the day before, and to actually apply and live these “higher principles” that I write about. One key piece of advice that I want to share from experience is the need to be patient with yourself as you change the way you see and respond to reality.
    Expanding your Consciousness is no different than developing your biceps. If you were to set out to build up your biceps, you’d approach it in the following way:

    1) Begin a regular program designed to do effect your goal.
    2) Regularly participate in that program.
    3) Anticipate some discomfort as the previously un-worked muscles are
strained in the toning process.
    4) Allow a reasonable amount of time to assess progress.
    5) Re-evaluate your progress and your goal.
    6) Set a new goal.
    Elevating your Consciousness fundamentally requires the same approach. However, when it comes to changing our thoughts and behavior, it’s Step #4 that can most easily cause us to abandon the mission.
    Not only are we impatient with ourselves and the process, but we have a tendency to think that because we are trying the results should be immediately recognizable. Worse yet, we don’t allow for “two steps forward and one step back.”
    We have a harder time focusing on our progress than our shortcomings.
    My personal experience with applying all of these expanded Consciousness principles is that one begins to live in two realities simultaneously…or at least alternatively. One reality is the one that you have been comfortably, albeit unsuccessfully and unconsciously, living in most of your life. You are familiar with it but it has brought neither peace nor profound joy to your existence. The other reality is the one that you now experience through your expanded awareness of the possibilities for synchronicity, harmony and congruence in relation to everyone and everything. And while this new reality is exhilarating and empowering, it also seems fleeting.
    The point at which you are unable to stay in that heightened state is when you need to draw on patience to allow for the fact that you are strengthening a new muscle as sure as if you were developing that bicep. When you not only lose your grasp on that higher reality, but also find yourself back in the former one behaving in ways that baffle you in light of your new awareness,…again, patience! in allowing yourself the human experience of how growth occurs. It’s not always a dramatic growth spurt. More often than not it’s a transition from one state of being to another, with a significant amount of overlap throughout the transition process. So throw a little patience into the mix and remember that 1) you have a goal and 2) you are determined to achieve it.
    If you’ll permit me, a little extra piece of advice.
    Forgive yourself for behavior that appears to be backsliding. It’s really just residual “stuff” on it’s way out as you ascend into a state of Being where there happens to be no room to carry the “stuff” you’re so perfectly leaving behind.
    Patience and Forgiveness on the road to Oneness.
    Sounds almost biblical.

P.S.   Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”



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