Archive for the ‘Media’ Category
Beck and O’Donnell: Middle Ground?
Disclosure #1: I’m a Glenn Beck fan. I like the guy. While a little paranoid, he does his homework and as far as the facts go, he gives them to you. What you do with them is up to you.
Disclosure #2: I’ve hardly ever watched Lawrence O’Donnell, and the few clips I’ve seen did nothing to encourage me otherwise. Admitted Socialists aren’t my preference for where to get political commentary.
There’s been a battle of ideas playing out between Beck and O’Donnell and, more than that, it seems personal.  While I have no “dog in the hunt†for what’s personal between them, I’m very interested in the battle of ideas.  So this morning , I watched clips from both on their ideas surrounding the Bible (Torah & The New Testament), in general, and the Book of Revelations, in particular.
And you know what? They’re both right.
Beck is right in that the Bible is filled with divinely inspired ideas, ideals, values and guidance. O’Donnell is also right in that parts of the Bible are filled with poetry, allegory, and unintelligible symbolism… some of which can lead a thinking person to conclude the existence of multiple sources which were neither divine nor particularly loving and compassionate.
That’s what Free Will is all about.
We humans, each get to choose how we see and interpret the world in which we live.  It is our unique perspectives that then form the foundation for how we act within the world as we see it. And each choice we make is a choice of Self- definition.
If G-d had intended replication rather than creation, He/She would be turning us out on a copy machine rather than through the birth process… whereby each of Us arrives as a unique creation.
In a world where both diversity of thought and tolerance of opposing ideas are both encouraged and valued, we are more likely to stumble upon wisdom than in a world where either You or I must be right and the other wrong.
Let’s take the best of Beck and O’Donnell’s thinking and jettison the rest. And by the way, You and I may each see “the best of†differently.
That’s okay.
It’s why I wrote this post.
Masters and Slaves
“Alone Together†written by MIT professor Sherry Turkle is big news because in it she lays out the case that the various means of social networking, via technological advances, have actually diminished our ability to communicate not enhanced it.
Well, forgive me for I told you so, but I came to that conclusion years ago… writing and speaking about it ever since. While I had no scientific data to back up my conclusion, I had eyes, ears and common sense. Admittedly, pre-technological apparatus… but quite useful none-the-less.
My observation was that when social-spiritual development is outpaced by technological development the result is alienation, dependency and in extreme cases addiction to the technology.
Why? Well, for two reasons.
First, because we are going to be slaves to something in our lives. Now before you get all huffy about that statement, allow me to explain. When I say “slave†I mean that we humans will spend our lives in service to something.  We will each select goals, or ends, and means by which to achieve them. Without core ethical and moral underpinnings that support us in discerning positive means and ends from negative ones, we are easily seduced by the most expeditious route to where we want to go… however, not necessarily the most life-affirming route. Core ethical and moral values are best developed over time, observing people who exemplify them by their behavior.
Technology applied to social networking lacks these necessary characteristics. In fact, it stands in direct opposition to them:  1) Its rapid, not allowing for a natural unfolding or development.  2) The human element is sublimated to the technology. 3) The physical distance combined with anonymity negates the behavioral aspect completely.
Simply put, social networking is a misnomer. Its social alienating.
But back to slavery.
In Egypt, Pharaoh knew what he was doing. In mystical Judaism it is taught that the Jews were slaves not because they were physically imprisoned, but because they were socially and spiritually dependent and thereby imprisoned. It wasn’t their bodies Pharaoh took claim to it was their consciousness and their laziness (a/k/a wanting to get things the easy way). The Jews traded freedom of thought for comfort and ease. It is further taught that it’s a “story†in which Pharaoh represents the reliance upon materiality and physical enslavement represents unconsciousness (a/k/a) relinquishment of human consciousness.
I remember many years ago, pre-WORD, when I was working in DOS. As my computer was booting up the hard drive, I saw the words “master drive †and “slave drive†flash across the screen. It gave me pause. I actually thought it was a joke, albeit a dangerous one, originating in some programmer’s mind who then saw the potential inherent in the medium.
I am many things, but first and foremost I am the mother of a seventeen year-old daughter. Anyone with a teenager knows the distance, detachment and danger inherent in the unbridled access and use of social networking. The big worry isn’t carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritic thumbs. It’s inhumanity.
So, many thanks to Professor Turkle for providing data for all those who need it. As for me, I just looked around at the kids and saw the future. It’s a time-tested method for discerning where we’re headed.
As for possible solutions: Reprioritize your life. Slow it down. Be able to look into the eyes of the people from whom you are learning life’s lessons. Be willing to do things the hard way.  Breathe. Laugh. Love.
If you’re going to be slave, choose a Master with a heart.
Think For Yourself
This is why you cannot believe what you read.
Tonight the headline on is “U.S. Drops Demand for Israeli Settlement Freeze.” At the same time, the headline (the Israeli newspaper’s web edition) reads “Israel-U.S. Talks on Settlement Freeze reach dead-end.”
Now I don’t know about you, but I read the Fox headline as implying that the U.S. is okay with Israel proceeding in building their settlements on the West Bank. That is clearly not what the Haaretz edition is announcing. That headline reads as if the U.S. and Israel cannot agree, continue to hold disparate positions, and talks are going nowhere.
While I’m generally aligned with how Fox sees things, this is a perfect example of why 1) you have to read beyond the headlines; 2) you have to draw your conclusions based upon your own thorough investigation; 3) you have to check multiple sources and, 4) after you do all of that you may still find yourself either misinformed or totally hoodwinked by a particular agenda.
What in the world do you think you can reply upon say, for example, in the WikiLeaks-Assange stories?  They are, more likely than not, no matter what media outlet you are using, just that!…. stories. Who knows the truth of that mess and will we ever know?
While we always thought we were living in the Information Age it turns out its the Misinformation Age.
What to do? What to do?
Start with bringing integrity to what you deal with personally in your everyday life. Much of what is going on in the world at this time is not something you can affect otherwise. Yet, don’t underestimate how powerful you as an individual are. Remember, when a butterfly flaps its wings in New York City wind patterns change in Singapore.  Its just a matter of time.
We are all connected through consciousness. Thoughts travel and manifest in ways we as yet do not fully comprehend. What you think and how you think about things changes how the world works. Literally. So, leave the global intrigue to those who aspire to false power and exercise true power by being the change you want to see in the world… if I may paraphrase Gandhi.
In the meantime, my father said it best. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. In this Internet Age of Misinformation, I would add “and very little of what you read until you have done your homework.”
P.S. Don’t believe a word of this post until you…
WikiLeaks Is Right On Schedule
An awful lot of people are on edge (and that’s putting it mildly) over the latest release of classified government documents by  It’s no wonder. The documents reveal conversations, intentions and strategies that were intended to be kept secret not only from the public in general but also from our enemies and allies alike.
Is the content shocking? In some cases, yes.
Is the release itself shocking? Only if you’ve been unconscious for the past several years… or   not reading my posts.
You see, for at least that long I have been writing about the paradigm shift and its concomitant effects. The most reliable of them being that with the shift there is more high frequency energy inundating our consciousness.
Higher frequency light energy.
What happens when you bring more light into a darkened (a/k/a/ denser) environment? The light illuminates the environment and the result is less darkness… fewer places where you can obscure or hide things. Things are brighter, clearer, and more easily accessible.
Now if you apply this principle to the obfuscation of facts, the obvious conclusion is that with higher consciousness there will be fewer secrets. Less ways and means of obscuring the facts as they are. The “behind the scenes†disclosures being disseminated by WikiLeaks are simply the result of the presence of light.
No more secrets.
My friends have been listening to me say that phrase repeatedly for the past several years. Mainly, because I somehow knew that the unfolding paradigm shift would bring with it real change. Not superficial change… not slogans about change… and not change for the worse, either.
While these disclosures, on their face (prima facie as we lawyers like to say) seem damning, they are, to the contrary, liberating. They will help free the world from strategies and backroom deals that have perpetuated, for millennia, deception and greed.
As I have also said, while the transition may be difficult… it’s always difficult to move from one way of doing things to another… to change a pattern… in the long run we will be better off in a world where the Light shines brighter and there are fewer dark corners in which the least of what humankind is capable of has a chance to fester and breed.
Out of the shadows and into the Light. A paradigm shift worth the effort.
For sure.
In Defense of Mel Gibson…sort of
Allow me to preface this by saying that as a woman and former divorce lawyer of 13 years I, in no way, condone domestic violence nor do I think that what Mel Gibson has been tape recorded saying is in any way acceptable. In fact, he has said things that are deeply disturbing if not legally actionable.
However, how and why we choose a partner is always complex. While it is true that verbal abuse and physical threats are never to be sanctioned, what is often overheard by others not directly involved can be but a partial insight and oftentimes misleading.
The choice for two people to be together, for better or worse so to speak, is a mutual choice. Hopefully, that choice is made out of want rather than need. But this is not always the case. In fact, most people come together seeking to fill a lack or void in themselves in the hope that the presence and love from the other will fill it. This is rarely a conscious intention. And while its never a good way to find a significant other… it’s a very common and human one.
I speak from experience.
When my marriage began to wither, I became at first frustrated by, and later angry at, my spouse’s emotionally detached behavior. There was a subtle pattern of emotional manipulation that at times drove me to the brink… although I recognized it only in hindsight. We stayed together. He manipulated me in a very passive/aggressive way as my frustration and anger mounted. Ultimately, I yelled a lot and said things I’d retract today if I could.
Listening to the Gibson tapes, I was struck by two things. First, and most obvious, his rage. But secondly her calm. I hear myself in him. I hear my former husband in her. After all, what is she even doing having these conversations with him? Why, after prior encounters with his rage, is she still hot-tubbing with him and sleeping in the same bed? Why is she so calm knowing it escalates and infuriates his anger? What does that do for her?
I hear him saying (however crudely) that he wants certain things from her. I also hear her saying (admittedly between the lines) “I am trying to love you but you need help.â€
This is a co-dependent, enabling and very destructive relationship at best. But it’s too easy to get caught up in the blame-game and condemn the loudest voice.
Both these people need help. Both need to get to the root of their own personal demons and they definitely need to be apart in order to do that internal work . Something drew them together and that something was powerful.
Now it’s about the constructive and wise use of that power.
I don’t believe in fairy tales. However, when human beings are willing to go the extra mile and do the tough work, miracles are possible as are happy endings. I have no idea what that looks like in this matter but I wish them both well and send them both healing.
Watching Sandra Bullock's Back
There will be a lot of trash written about Sandra Bullock’s apparent embarrassment by her allegedly unfaithful husband. I’d like to take higher ground and use her pain to heal.
What I want to heal is the tendency for so many women to think that someone other than themselves, who through their own inner strength and guidance, got them where they are. Most women understood exactly what Ms. Bullock was doing when, upon receiving the Oscar, she thanked her husband for “watching her back.”
We women yearn for that feeling. To know that when we’re tired or have done the work of two…or more…people, that “he” will there to pick up the mantle. That no harm will come if we are one day too tired to be so alert and competent. I think such a desire must have its roots in the fabled knight on the white horse that has been in our collective consciousness for several thousand years.
The problem is that fables are fictions and need to be viewed in that light.
In addition, personal power is tricky business. It resides within us… its not bestowed from someone or something outside of ourselves. And when you give it away, as Sandra Bullock did in accepting the Oscar, someone can take it with them when they leave. Or even before… as her allegedly unfaithful husband has now seemingly done.
Sandra Bullock, and all of us, don’t achieve excellence because someone else makes it possible. We achieve it through internal fortitude, God-given gifts, and an unwavering passion to get where we want go. And while its nice to know that others along the way made contributions to our efforts, its dangerous to think that anyone other than God “watches our back.”
>Whether, in this particular instance, the facts as alleged turnout to be
true or not, the prototype of a woman feeling unworthy of claiming the
fullness of her own power, but instead bestowing it upon another less
worthy who earned it not, is a valid one.
We are all “at risk” in this journey called Life. Feelings of security and protection, however, come only from a deeply held knowing that we are loved and guided always by that which created us. Such love and guidance is never conditional and, consequently, is unshakable by anything or anyone… not least of all a woman whose body is adorned like a billboard hawking merchandise.
Our standard creates our experience. Sandra Bullock is a gifted actress who has chosen roles using great discretion and skill. Now, hopefully, she will choose her men the same way and change her experience.
Its a lesson for many women and advice worth considering.
Glenn Beck's Bigger Message
It comes as no surprise to anyone who reads my posts that I like Glenn Beck. If there was any doubt about that fact it was put to rest last night, Saturday night, when I turned down an invitation to go to a movie and dinner because the timing would have interfered with FOX’s live coverage of Beck’s speech as keynote at the CPAC conference.
I am willing to go out on a limb here. I think Beck is a prophet. Prophetic as in the biblical sense? Yes and no. Now, before you think this is all about Mormonism, Christianity or any other religion, let me tell you what I mean by that statement.
In the biblical sense, I believe he is facing down the entrenched “powers that be” and speaking truth to power… even if the message is at times dire. He is showing us the “pug-ugly” side and consequences of our poor choices while holding out hope that by combining faith with a course correction we can embark upon a higher road that will lead us to a grander view.
I believe his strength, insight and courage come from profound inner guidance. He is Self-sourced and Self-directed. What I mean is that through a personal and treacherous inner journey, he has accessed a voice within himself whose origin is the Source of All That Is. For millennia, we have been taught that the Source is outside of ourselves. Its not. Its our birthright, as individual aspects of All That Is, to tap into that energetic Source and know for ourselves what thoughts, words, and deeds support the ongoing growth of life towards Its highest good.
Beck has gone within and opened that line of communication. Which is why I call him a prophet. While he might not see or describe that Source as I do, I think we could agree on one thing. He seeks the highest good for all concerned.
Where I would differ with him, and enlarge his message, is that its not just political in nature or application. The messages of liberty, individualism, charity, forgiveness, dedication to higher principles, respect for differences, integrity and truth are universal and timeless. They need apply and be the priority in every moment and in every nation. We are not just at a critical juncture in the story of the United States… we are at a critical juncture in the story of human consciousness.
We, each one of us, is being given the opportunity to awaken to a new reality. To understand our inherent connectedness and responsibility to everyone and everything else. Not in the individual-deprecating manner of socialism…but rather in the full expression and celebration of individuality and personal responsibility within a framework of Oneness.
If the prophet analogy makes you uncomfortable, try Paul Revere.
Beck is, and has been for several years, figuratively riding from town to town ringing the bell of awareness shouting “Change is coming. Change is coming.” So much of what he has presaged thus far has turned out to be accurate. Whether that prescience will continue or not, I don’t know. What I do know is that if we step back and see the larger picture, he can be of enormous value in two ways.
The first is by his example of inner guidance. The second by his fearlessness.
If we allow him to teach us nothing other than those two lessons, I think history will find a worthy place for him… regardless of whether he turns out to be a prophet or not.
Tiger Woods: A Lesson in Thinking for Ourselves
I was in my car listening to talk-radio when the topic of the hour was Tiger Woods’ breaking of his 3-month silence with a public apology that occurred today. I heard lots of “perspectives”… from talk show hosts and their callers to excerpts from columnists and reporters. What I heard over and over was the “scripted” nature of Woods’ apology and how managed it all seemed. Further, there was apparently a general consensus that he had done it for business reasons more than anything else…in an effort to salvage his career and rebuild his image in order to win back lost sponsors.
When I arrived home, there was more of the same on television news shows. In fact, I heard a sports agent confirm that it was all done, in fact, to ease his way back onto the golf circuit with some respectability. And finally, I heard from an “expert” that “He should have done this 3 months ago when it all happened.” Somehow, according to the expert’s opinion, the delayed mea culpa had diminished the message and its veracity.
Then I went on YouTube to watch Tiger Woods for myself.
What I saw was, yes, a somewhat stiff and scripted man who was clearly uncomfortable with what he was doing. And, yes, I heard references to his business commitments, his fans and the press. But more than anything I was struck by how many times, and with how much straightforward language, he took responsibility for his actions, his arrogance, his bad decisions and the hurt he caused his family.
Of course, only time will tell…as is the case with contrition. Its easy to express and hard to live. But I took heart for several reasons:
1. He minced no words in taking full responsibility for all of it.
2. He owned up to his arrogance.
3. He acknowledged who he hurt and what it has cost him.
4. He admitted to full-time counseling and the intention to continue with it.
5. He asked that friend’s and fans have patience with him as he struggles to understand why he did what he did.
6. He asked for the press to honor the privacy of his wife and children to protect them from further hurt and humiliation.
7. He admitted thinking that ordinary rules didn’t apply to him and that he was entitled to do whatever he wanted.
Contrary to the commentator’s criticism of the timing, I think had Woods given an apologetic press conference a few days after being caught at flagrant and repeated infidelity he would have been saying he was sorry he got caught. It is certainly reasonable to believe that it has taken at least this amount of time for him to genuinely begin to see and understand what he did and the enormity of it all.
There are two important lessons in all of this. One global and one personal.
Globally, we are living through a time of transition when deceit and arrogance will be revealed when and where they crop up. The importance of such revelation is talking full responsibility for one’s actions regardless of how painful. No pain, no gain as they say in sports…no pun intended. It’s the only way to cure the world of what ails it.
Personally, it was a perfect lesson in why each of us has to make up our own minds based upon our own personal experience…not place blind faith in the advice and opinions of experts or persons with apparent authority.
Had I not watched Woods myself, but relied instead upon the pundits, commentators, reporters and broadcasters, I could never have concluded, as I have, that he gets it, he means it and he’s trying to salvage not only his career but his family life.
As I said earlier, easy to say hard to do. But I’m with him on this one… unless and until he proves me wrong.
Everyone who genuinely seeks it deserves that second chance.
We’ve all been there…one way or another.
Pulse of the Nation
I was flipping through the Sunday morning news shows today…Chris Matthews, This Week, and Face the Nation…and found it rather incredible that all those educated panelists are so out of touch with what is really happening in this country. It’s as if they are incapable of changing the context in which they evaluate the state of things.
Maybe its just me but I don’t think so.
From where I stand, and consequently how I see things, most people have reached a saturation point in their lives concerning materialism, self-gratification and, yes, even technology. Its been a nice ride but when all is said and done we came up empty. Empty and yearning for something more. Something that can’t be bought or even held onto..unless its what we give away.
You see, that’s the paradox.
Our national search for “more”…be it whatever “more” we wanted…turned out to be a quest for fool’s gold. Or false idols, depending on your belief system. All the doing, getting and having solved nothing and, in fact, created more problems than we can apparently handle at the moment. It’s a lot older that Ivan Beosky’s University of California Berkley speech in 1986 where he told the graduating class “Greed is healthy” …although I think his words were a seminal moment by the absence of public outrage that failed to follow his pronouncement. Our silence spoke volumes about us and the future direction of our country.
Now, almost 25 years later, after proceeding down the path Boesky and we by our silence condoned, we have arrived at an unintended and undesirable destination.
The People get it. But those who govern, and most of those reporting upon it, don’t. They’re still talking about fixing the economy or closing the information leaks or creating jobs or lowering foreclosures and reinvigorating the housing market as those things that will return our lives to some recognizable scenario.
But its not about any of that. It’s about balance and unity.
It’s about lives that are balanced between what we take in and what we give out. It’s about relationships that honor and respect differences. It’s about bringing children into the world and then actually devoting the amount of time it takes to raise them with commendable values. It’s about truth telling in our personal and professional lives. It’s about compassion as the highest form of love. It’s about pursuing technological development but not at the expense, or disregard, of ethical and spiritual development. It’s about knowing how connected we are to everything on Earth and beyond… so that we think and act with the realization that our every thought and our every action matters.
So, to the people who govern and those who report upon it all: You can try and resurrect the past, or project how well your opinions and ideas will shape the future. But in the only analysis that matters, there is only the moment in which you are living. If you refuse to see and sense it for what it actually is you are living in an illusion and, therefore, part of the problem… not the solution.
Which is why I don’t often watch Sunday morning news show.
Breaking News
It seems that its becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the news. You pick the category and there’s some breaking story in it. It really is information overload.
What’s a person to do?
Well, may I suggest silence. Its a beautiful, and healing, alternative. I know because lately I’ve begun to meditate. Now please don’t write me off as some mystic, or former hippie, who is looking for some way to “drop out.” I am, and always have been, a Type A personality. If I’m not in motion, or using my brain in some challenging way…well such reckless frivolity has always been the very definition of “lazy” in my book. No, what led me to meditation was a combination of 1) coaxing from a dear friend and 2) more “news” than I could handle.
What I’ve learned from meditation is that there’s more to learn in silence than in all the news that’s fit to print…or broadcast…or telecast…or tweet. In silence exists an internal knowing that transcends words. Really. You can’t describe it. You have to be it. When you are being it, what you feel is everything you’ve ever sought. Truly. Now my assumption is that what we all ultimately go in search of is inner peace. I mean, really, isn’t all that we aspire to and seek done in the hopes of acquiring some satisfaction that always seems just beyond our reach…or so transient it was hardly worth the getting?
Well, here’s breaking news.
Inner peace comes from within! Duh! You’d think that would be self-evident. However, we humans with our opposable thumbs and high tech world are still running around trying to find it outside of ourselves. Duh, squared!
So I could have posted this blog entry about Iran’s launch into space, or the White House leak about the cooperating terrorist who tried to blow up a plane Christmas day with explosive underwear, or the yet again declining DOW, or the rumor that the Jolie-Pitts are on the rocks…but here’s the thing. I’d just be adding to the information overload. So instead, I decided to share with you the sound of silence.
Once in a while, its really sweet to have nothing to say… and even less to listen to.