Archive for the ‘Healing’ Category

Christ Consciousness Revisited

Five months ago I wrote an entry titled “Christ Consciousness” that daily continues to receive more hits that any other blog I’ve written since.  So I asked myself why?

I think I know the answer.

It all rests on the difference between reality and illusion….between religion and spirituality.

Most of what we are concerned with, what our minds are preoccupied with on a daily basis, is…quite literally…a distraction from the only thing in life that truly matters: being in a constant state of co-creating with love.   While this may sound unrealistic given the practicalities of life, and somewhat philosophical as well, to the contrary, nothing could be more realistic or practical.

The opposite of reality is illusion.  How many of us know, by way of first-hand experience, that what we’ve been taught, told and sold will satisfy us and make us happy is simply an empty promise.  How many of us “acquire” and “achieve” accomplishments, degrees and “stuff” only to realize that none of it makes a meaningful difference in how joyful or satisfying our lives are?   That’s because the world of achieving, acquiring and materialism is a world created not by the One Mind capable of creating a Universe and more….but rather by only one aspect of that Mind….and a misapplied aspect at that….called the human ego.   Everything ego makes is temporary.  You know it and I know it.  If it’s temporary, then it will come and it will go. And if it can go, then where does that leave us other than in a perpetual state of anticipating and fearing abandonment and lack?

T o the contrary, what is real, and neither illusory nor temporary, is that which Creator is…which is All There Is.  Creator is eternal creativity, ever-expanding outward by way of Its Unified Thought, in a field of loving awareness of Self.  What we have forgotten, or denied, is that we are part of that Unified Thought thus making us co-creators in loving awareness of self.  If Who You Are is eternal, ever-expanding, unified and lovingly aware then you must be something much more than either your body or your ego since both are limited and finite.   Which is why identifying with our bodies or trying to “gain” self love through achievement or acquisition is so unsatisfying and must, ultimately, fail.

What has been forgotten can be remembered.  What has been denied has occurred because when we deny something in another it’s because we are not aware of it in ourselves. The way to heal our own sense of unworthiness, our own alienation from the state of wholeness that is our birthright, is to see others as whole, healed, and worthy in themselves.  By so doing, you return them to the Only Mind There Is and to the Reality where peace and joy reside. 

What you see in others is what is in you.  Therefore, the blessing you have given them becomes yours.

Which is why I think the previous entry “Christ Consciousness” is getting so much attention… for it strikes a deep knowing within each of us.

                                       The way home is lovingly with and through one another

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What A Little Hope Can Do: The Art of Faith

         A few weeks ago I po sted a blog entry about a “miracle” healing. What continues to surprise me is that the post has continued to get a steady stream of visitors each day since, without any promotion from me. Now that’s somewhat unusual because what normally happens is that posts get a lot of visitors initially when first published and then that traffic dies off but for occasional, usually diminishing, activity. However, not so the “Miracle Healing” entry. This tells me that it’s word-of-mouth, so to speak, that’s generating the continued traffic.

         So what is it about that post that’s generating all the buzz?  Allow me to digress for a moment.

         Those of you who read my blog know I have written about an attempted suicide at age 24. You also may have seen me on YouTube talk about that experience and how it changed my life and formed the basis for the spiritual and philosophical way I live my life today. Perhaps the most frequent point I try and make when public speaking about the attempt is that “people who try to commit suicide don’t really want to die. They’ve just temporarily misplaced hope.” 

         I think the words “misplaced hope” hold the secret to the popularity of the “Miracle Healing” post.

         We continue to live in extraordinarily stressful times and stress takes it’s toll. Usually, on the body. Dis-ease and illness are rampant. Particularly cancer. The numbers of people who have been, and are each day, diagnosed with some form of cancer are escalating at an alarming rate. Yet cancer is just one example. The human body is simply not designed to withstand the pressures… particularly the mental and emotional pressures…that result from the way we live. Nor are we meant to live at this pace. Plus, there are all the environmental pollutants that have been, and continue to be, spewed and dumped into the Earth and It’s atmosphere.   With so much pressure and so much illness, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we have the ability to change how we live as well as to heal ourselves in non-traditional ways.

         In other words, it’s easy to misplace hope in the as-yet-unknown.

         Enter my post about the miracle healing.  I think people read it and are moved by the miraculous, non-traditional healing that took place. Sure. It’s a great story and a true one.

         More importantly, however, I think they find in it that elusive thing called “hope” that the seemingly irreversible can, in fact, be reversed. So whether it’s an illness they or someone they know is struggling with, or a relationship gone awry, or a business venture turned liability, or a troubled child….whatever it is… they are reminded, encouraged to renew their faith, that hope is never lost, only misplaced.

         I could not have been part of that healing had I not had faith and hope that I could somehow make a difference. And the patient could not have improved had he not also had, on some level, faith and hope in his own survival. I believe that. And while you may not, what matters is that both he and I did and the result speaks for itself.

         I think we live in a world where people are hungry for hope. It’s the effort to feed that hunger that is driving the ongoing traffic to the “Miracle Healing” post.  I am encouraged by all the interest. I hope those readers who are called there find what it is they have gone in search of.



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The Dark Art of Control: How to Reclaim Your Power

The most difficult blogs to write are the most personal ones for they expose you “belly-up.” This is one of them. It’s particularly tricky to write this one because, in addition to the opening for personal exposure and the criticism that can follow, I recently came to an awareness about my own propensity to judge others and in order to write this entry I have to walk a fine line between observation and judgment.  But here goes. 

I have previously written about my divorce and the fact that we have a 16-year-old daughter so there’s no need to elaborate here other than to remind you of both.

Just this week, our daughter had a doctor’s appointment for a minor issue and my ex-husband agreed to pick her up from school and take her, since he had been unable to during his normal Parenting Time with her last week. When I was able to check my calendar, I realized that I couldn’t pick her up after the appointment as my day was full with commitments through late evening. So, I asked him if he would also bring her to my home after the appointment.

He refused without giving a reason.

When I inquired “why” he replied, “Because I have a full day and don’t feel like driving anymore then I need to

.”  When I suggested that I generally do all of the driving for her and that she had heard his reply and was hurt by it, he said he would be “happy to explain it to her” two days later when he took her to the appointment.  I further suggested that he might want to call her now, rather than later, as she was obviously disappointed and hurt…feeling unimportant and like an inconvenience to him. His response to that was “If she needs to she can call me.”

I want to repeat what he said: “If she needs to she can call me.”

I was married to this person for almost 17 years and I take responsibility for allowing him, over that period of time, to chip away at my self-esteem by exchanging my personal power for the need to be loved by, and compatible with, him.  And, in hindsight, I had pretty much figured out how that had occurred.  Even our daughter had said to me, post-separation, “You were always too easy on him. No matter how he treated you, all he ever had to do was say ‘I’m sorry’ and you’d forgive him.”  That’s tough to hear from a then 15-year-old who you know is forming her model of a woman after you… and her model for relationships after her parent’s marriage.

But I’ll tell you what was even tougher to hear than that.

When he said that sentence, ” If she needs to she can call me,” I heard him tip-toeing down the path of a pattern of manipulation that is the slippery slope to emotional abuse. He had said something hurtful and insensitive and now he was trying to see if he could get her to come to him for the apology he owed her.

He was planting the seeds of emotional control. 

Had she complied, those seeds could then take root.  Each time such an opportunity would then arise in the future to solidify the pattern… he would take it, knowing she was a participant.  And each time she acquiesced and went toward that which was the source of her pain, he would have gained a little more control over her and she would have relinquished a little more of her self-esteem and personal power.

The good news is I got in the way. In a good way.

I used it as an opportunity to talk with her about dignity, self-esteem, male-female relationships, and the different types of abuse…emotional, psychological and physical. We spoke about healthy relationships and the importance of knowing where your boundaries are.

Finally, we spoke about being able to say to yourself, if not to anyone else, “No thank you. The price is too great” and so to be able to  “pass” on what’s being offered with confidence in knowing that your dignity is not for sale and betrayal of Self is never an option.

One caveat… because I need to be careful as I walk that observational/judgmental line I mentioned earlier.

I don’t think my ex-husband is a malevolent person. I don’t think he consciously sets out to seek that level of control.  He obviously has his own needs and insecurities that cause him to take that approach rather than expose himself belly-up. But that’s no longer my concern.

Our daughter is.

Abusive relationships don’t start out in the deep end. They develop slowly over time and, like everything else, it takes two. The one sure way to avoid them is to be self-confident, self-aware, and unwilling to trade anything for what appears to be love.  Love doesn’t possess, control or hurt. And it’s NEVER the result of a bargain between two people…no matter what’s being exchanged.

Hopefully, our daughter knows this and has learned it from her parents.

There is an old saying, “You teach what you have to learn.”


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Miracle Healing

Its odd for me to be writing about a “healing” experience I’ve had recently because I think of myself more as a writer and speaker than a healer. But I’ve had an undeniable experience lately and so I have to call it as I see it.

At least it’s undeniable to me.

A friend’s husband underwent a surgical procedure about 30 days ago to alleviate fluid pressure on his brain that was causing rapidly advancing dementia. Although warned of the possible adverse effects of such a procedure, the procedure itself is actually not all that uncommon and both the doctors and my friends were optimistic.  While the procedure went routinely, the husband went rapidly downhill post-op. A few days later, he had an unanticipated and inexplicable seizure and was pretty much unconscious from then on.  The quandary continued until a nurse noticed the accidentally quadrupled dosage on his chart of a medication he had been taking before entering the hospital.  It seems the intake person had put the decimal point in the wrong place and no one…neither the hospital dispensing pharmacy nor treating physicians caught the error until days later when the nurse saw it. The overdose, it turns out, was the cause of his seizure and all the resulting debilitation.

Things went from bad to worse.

Although he was moved to a rehab facility after about two weeks, he went further into decline and was moved to ICU at a nearby hospital two weeks later and, as of last weekend, my friend was told by his doctors (and it was apparent from his condition) that he probably wouldn’t live through the weekend.

This is where it gets interesting.

From the time he entered the rehab facility, I felt drawn to see him. More than that, I felt compelled to “work on him.”  Why I felt that way was and is puzzling to me. How I actually did the “work” even more so. Just prior to his surgery, another friend of mine, a chiropractor, had taken a 4-day training in “Reconnective Healing” with Eric Pearl.(  Upon her return, she performed the process on me. I had some profound affects as a result.  For some reason, I felt I could do that work on my friend’s husband even without the training. So, I went to the hospital each day, sometimes twice a day, in response to the pull I felt to go there to try and help.  The process, as taught to my friend, involves no physical touching.

Initially I felt I was doing some form of the Reconnective Healing; however, it soon became apparent to me (and my friend who had trained in the proccess) that what was going on was something other (or beyond it). The results were instant and undeniable.  Each time I worked on him, he would have physical reactions while I was doing the work. Those sessions were followed by almost immediate improvements in his condition. Some days, the improvements were slight, Others, they were mind-boggling.

His wife was present during most of the sessions, witnessed the reactions and experienced the daily progress. She was ecstatic with joy. He was moved from ICU back to a regular floor 2 days ago and in two days, they are talking about moving him out of the hospital and back to the rehabilitation facility.

He is conscious, coherent, no longer on many of his medications, no longer in need of suctioning to clear lungs that were diagnosed with pneumonia just a week ago. His kidney function is back and possible sepsis no longer a concern.  Although still having difficulty swallowing and talking, he was singing, with difficulty, the words from “Pennies From Heaven” recently. He is a former professional entertainer.

I am humbled and in awe of what has transpired. I have no idea why me, why him, and why now. But it’s so and I cannot deny what has taken place.

His wife, however, is not in the same place. While deeply grateful days ago for what she witnessed and for “getting him back”….and despite her telling me she “can never repay” me (something I do not and never did  seek)…she none-the-less has begun to back away from her awe and gratitude and to deny the undeniable. She is distancing herself from the “connection” between how he was, how he is…and how he got here.

I have done nothing. The Light, the Universal Healer and Healing Energy of Love, has done it all. But done it, It has.

I am now reminded of that scene in the movie “Oh God” where George Burns as “God” enters the courtroom, takes the witness stand to testify as to his authenticity, and after performing miracles for those present, leaves the courtroom. Subsequently, many of those present deny what they experienced because the Truth makes them uncomfortable by upending the roots of their long held belief system.  John Denver, as the character who must spread the word of God, leaves them to their doubting and moves on knowing the Truth of what occurred and determined to bring it to others.

What happened between the Light, my friend’s husband and me happened. The man is now on his way to better health, I hope. I will no longer go there. I have lived long enough to understand the admonition that you can “set the banquet table but cannot make them eat from it.”

I will move on to others who are open to healing and brave enough to acknowledge direct experience…no matter how outside the mainstream of their reality it is. As I go, I pray that the gift I have been given goes with me. I have never known such peace as when acting as a conduit for that Healing Light of Love or felt so loved in return as when her husband opened his eyes and looked at me.

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