Archive for the ‘Government’ Category
Obama, Boehner, and Pelosi Pics
It isn’t that I think that our Representatives…The President, Senators and Congressman… should never be able to smile or enjoy themselves.  It’s just that while unemployment is at 9.2%, 31% of the houses are underwater (the value of the house is less than the outstanding mortgage), and the world is holding its breath awaiting resolution of the U.S. debt ceiling deadline on August 2nd … it’s sort of disconcerting, if not at times infuriating, to see photos on the nightly news, or on major news websites, of all of them sitting in some situation room in the White House smiling.
You know that “good time†I think they are all entitled to …well this isn’t it. And those photos just make me think about how they all have jobs and houses that are not under water…which makes me think they still don’t get it.
How is that possible?
You and I know how difficult and uncertain the economy is. You and I know the future looks fraught with all sorts of problems we definitely didn’t anticipate. You and I know how hard it is each day to care for ourselves and our families…just get through each day, really… while dealing with the stress of worrying about where all of this is headed and what’s in store for us when we get there.
I think it’s possible because they do not, in fact, get it.  And even if they do, they are clearly clueless about what to do about it. Their time is up.
We are headed into new and uncharted territory.  So it’s up to the explorer in each of us to blaze new trails of innovative thinking in our own lives. All change starts with the individual, an individual, actually. That individual may be you…or it could be the child who is watching how you handle change and its accompanying uncertainty.
So as we’re blazing new trails, let’s make two course corrections that our political leaders seem unable to make. First, let’s tell the truth. Always. To ourselves and others no matter how painful. Second, let’s accept responsibility for the seriousness of the situation in which we find ourselves and, if we’re caught smiling on the job, let it be because we’ve figured out how to get ourselves out of this mess.
Glenn Beck and Anthony Weiner: The Takeaway
If you can’t see this one… you are likely overdue for an eye exam.
Within the last year, recently disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) made it his mission to lead a personal assault against Glenn Beck in an attempt to destroy Mr. Beck’s career by undermining his sponsors. In particular, Congressman Weiner accused Beck of an “unholy alliance†with Goldline, alleging the company was a “multimedia rip off†and that Beck was using his radio and television shows to manipulate listeners into investing with the company.
Weiner’s attack was designed to destroy Beck by raising questions, through innuendo, about Beck’s integrity, truthfulness and motives. It turned out there was no factual basis for the Congressman’s allegations and he likely knew there was no such basis when he made them.  The charges faded into oblivion.
The Congressman himself was not so fortunate.
With the now infamous photos of Congressman Weiner and his shameful “sexting†revelations, he has become what he set out inflict upon Beck: a pariah whose integrity is revealed to be nonexistent.
(If you cannot see the Divine aspect and irony of this reversal you need to stop reading and call your optometrist to schedule that eye exam).
I have been listening to Glenn Beck for several years and am certain of a few things as a result. He loves his country, does his homework, is sincere, and is the bearer of Light in a darkened world. I call such people “Lightworkers.â€
It’s a fulltime job with no days off.
Congressman Weiner, by his actions, has demonstrated that he represents the antithesis of what Glenn Beck stands for.  The Congressman, it turns out, is a participant in, and therefore a promoter of, Darkness. Now there’s the real “unholy alliance†in this story.
As with all darkness, the Light shining upon it reveals it for what it is.
Congressman Weiner has inadvertently served his country well. He has, by his actions, given credibility and added strength to Glenn Beck’s purpose and thereby empowered the Light.
In the final analysis, this was a classic and eternal clash of opposing energies. Â It has always been the case and always will be that Light reveals, and thereby transcends, all that is dark.
Congressman Weiner is A Symptom
New York Congressman Anthony Weiner apparently has no survival instinct. He is patently self-destructive. Not only did he place at risk both his marriage and his career by blatantly pursuing perverse sexual behavior through the internet and social media sites, but having been exposed (no pun intended,) he exhibits neither remorse nor an inclination to admit to his behavior. He’s in denial… publically at least. Personally, only his humiliated and presumably pained wife knows if he’s in denial privately as well.
Brooklyn Democratic Chairman and power broker Vito Lopez has been quoted as saying “Something like this better be put to rest. If it’s left outstanding, it could have damaging impact, even if it means the difference of 3 or 4 percent of the vote in a very competitive four-way or five-way race” regarding Weiner’s chances in a future mayoral contest.
Is that really the issue? Is the potential damage to Mr. Weiner’s political career what the media…what we… need to be focusing upon?
Given the dire economic straights the economy is suffering and the worldwide propensity for revolution, isn’t this a little reminiscent of how the country handled the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski revelations? Didn’t we learn anything from that sordid moment? It’s not about the economy, political careers or even the wanton misuse of power.
It’s about how We The People continue to look the other way… in our personal lives and in the lives of public figures when its simply easier and more convenient to do that than confront the reality.
The reality is that as a culture and a society we have so lowered the bar that we barely blink… and are almost never heard…when behavior is demeaning, degrading and socially harmful. So Weiner gets 15 minutes of media focus for his disgusting behavior and our kids are exposed to one more sexual deviant. So everyone laughs when the “F†word is used at the MTV awards and our children are watching and making a mental (even if subconscious) note. So the likes of Schwarzenegger, Strauss-Kahn, and Edwards are momentarily exposed and perhaps embarrassed (I think that requires a conscience and I’m not sure these guys qualify) and then life goes on for us… and further downhill it goes as well.
It’s really up to each of us to begin to examine our own lives and hold not only public figures accountable but ourselves as well. It’s time (actually its almost past available time) when we redefine and restructure our values, our priorities and our tolerance levels for what kind of world we want to create and live in.
Anthony Weiner and deviants like him are symptoms of an ailing culture. We are both the illness and the cure. Which of those we end up cultivating will be determined by the our choices starting now… and the personal responsibility for those choices we are each willing and able to accept.
I Set Before You This Day
Sometimes there’s just no way around the tough stuff. While I realize my credibility will take a hit with the following statement, I none-the-less feel compelled to make it.
You are living in two simultaneous realities. Both are quite real.
In Reality Number One, the world is experiencing unprecedented and widespread change. Social unrest and faltering economies are breaking down and reorganizing for the good of all involved, even if the transition period is fraught with difficulty and endless challenges.  The outcome, however, is a proverbial giant step for humankind.
In Reality Number Two, the world is experiencing unprecedented and widespread change. Social unrest and faltering economies have created a dangerous global environment wherein opportunists, both political and economic, are exerting every effort, and seeking every means, to meld excessive governmental power to personal financial gain for the few at the expense of the many. The outcome will be the destruction of the world as you have known it.
How can this be? How can both be happening at the same time?
The answer is because this moment is a bellwether for the future of humanity. What is at stake is nothing less than personal freedom and rights granted every human being by our Creator.
There is the potential for either of these realities to prevail. Who doesn’t viscerally feel the yearning for freedom by the Arab youth throughout the Middle Eastern countries manifested through various degrees of uprising? Who doesn’t also feel the violence boiling just below the surface of these uprisings… and the manipulation of those young people by persons with a sinister agenda? Who does not know from human history that absent the presence of Light, darkness multiplies like cancer?
Will the result be harmony or subjugation? Will it end in evolution or devolution? What determines the outcome?
You do.
This is your moment to choose between darkness and Light. This is your moment to join with others of like mind and be heard. This is your chance to put fear to rest and break through the illusion of terror in order to show others who are less certain, the way. This is your appointment with destiny.
You have always had this much power. Â Never before have you been this close to a full awareness of that fact combined with the Will to act upon it.
The future of the world will literally be created this day by your choice and made manifest by your voice. You are the answer. Now is the time.
It has been set before you this day.
The Danger of Obama’s Ego
I don’t want to believe that Barack Obama means to intentionally disrespect the Constitution of the United States, destroy out international alliances and jeopardize the security of Israel and so I won’t believe those things.Â
Instead, I choose to believe (Free Will) that he is an individual lacking in a core understanding of who he is and what he believes in. This was my conclusion after reading A Bound Man by Shelby Steel in 2008 and why I did not vote for him that year. It was later reinforced when I read The Roots of Obama’s Rage by Danesh D’Souza, a well-documented and intelligently thoughtful analysis of Obama’s heritage, life and character.
This core lack in Obama makes him not so much vulnerable to outside pressures, as some have asserted, but subject to the hunger and need of his own ego. When the vessel has a hole in it, no amount of water can fill it up. Lacking core values, Obama gives no weight to the values of others. Consequently, he feels free to override, or altogether bypass, 1) the American public in forcing the passage of Universal Healthcare when 62% of those polled did not want the bill passed; 2) Congress by circumventing the War Powers Act in Libya and ignoring the values set forth by the Founders in the U.S. Constitution and, 3) the Israeli government and its valuing of the safety and lives of its citizens.
It’s unlikely that we’ve had many Presidents who did not suffer from some degree of need to fulfill their egos. And it’s probably safe to say that more than a fair share of them had huge egos. But to make a distinction worth noting, it’s not Obama’s ego that makes his Presidency so dangerous… it’s the fact that no amount of railroading, conquest and imposition of his will upon those who oppose him can satisfy that ego.
I once her a psychiatrist explain “A neurotic is the easiest type of patient to treat. He or she just has an excess of something. It’s a matter of reducing or minimizing those excesses. But someone lacking input at critical stages of development is the hardest to treat because you’re trying to put values in where none have ever existed.  There’s no foundation or reference point.â€
This description, I believe, describes Barack Obama
It is for those of us who see the present dangers posed by a leadership so lacking to speak our minds and shine a bright light upon the problem. While he is but one man in the history of a great nation, he has both the bully pulpit and the power at the moment. If the Great Man theory of history holds true, that great men appear at critical points in history and take the people where his vision leads him, then we have much to concern ourselves with where the vision is highly personal and is born of need.
We must be careful that some version of the rationale people often use when explaining why they don’t fly in airplanes does not wind up applying to our nation’s destiny:  What if it’s not my time but it’s the pilot’s time?
Osama Who?
This is not a post about Osama bin Laden. It’s a post about you and me. He’s gone and that’s that regarding him. However we remain… so how we act, and react, from here on out determines our future. What also remains are the issues that created a world in which someone like him could develop and be successful, using the term “successful” in its most narrow sense.
In a world where people and nations vie to maximize their health, wealth and general well-being… not only without regard for others but, at times, at the expense of others… there will always be fertile ground in which to cultivate disease such as bin Laden. But such a destructive environment is under our dominion and control. We very much have the power, individually and collectively, to choose again and create a world where every human being’s right to life (basic sustenance) and pursuit of happiness (the possibility that one can better oneself with effort) is guaranteed.
To create such a world we will have to re-prioritize what it is we value above all else. Such choices will necessarily begin with compassion, dignity, and cooperation. Such a world will need to be based upon logic that transcends Aristotle’s conclusion that solutions consist of only two options: “x” or “not x”.  Such thinking leads to dilemma. An alternative, or tetra lemma approach, considers “x”, “not x,” “x and not x,” or “neither x nor not x.”  In other words, simply put… one or the other or both or neither all become possibilities and thereby broaden the options for resolution.
Egypt wasn’t a spiritual, religious or political revolution.  It was an economic one where 50% of the population is under the age of 24 with no economic future of any consequence.  You cannot make food scarce and eliminate hope for the future without dire consequences. Such are the elements that foster environments wherein diseased minds rule.
We are better than that.  But what it takes to turn this all around is not only personal responsibility but, first and foremost, personal courage.
Courage to think for ourselves.
Courage to reject systems that do not work.
Courage to speak out about values and policies that devalue others.
Courage to say no to a politically-based “collective†approach wherein the few seek to dominate the many under the guise of leadership.
Courage to speak out for spiritual Oneness, our inherent connection to all living beings, and all that it implies.
Courage to be patient, thoughtful and thorough with the process so sound decisions can be made along the way.
There is no harm in a centralized government. We have one in this country. But as it was designed, that central government had very limited power over the individual states that, along with their inhabitants, remain free to pursue individuality and personal creativity within an economic system intended to support growth rather than inhibit it.
Today is a new day and the quality of our choices will determine tomorrow.
Donald’s Folly
Sometimes I wonder about us. Americans, that is.
What are so many people thinking in seriously considering Donald Trump as a possible Presidential candidate? It’s Donald Trump we’re talking about here and the Presidency of the United States.
Forget the sudden reversal of political stances he’s taken on such things as gay marriage or Universal healthcare. Forget the contributions he’s made to the campaign coffers of politicians that eschew the word ethics, such as Charlie Rangel, Mark Christ and Harry Reid. Forget the reality TV host.
This is a man who drove his business into the ground then left creditors hanging as he declared bankruptcy. This is a man who needs to see his name in 30 feet high gold lettering on everything he touches. This is a man who has made a fortune in business relations with, among others, the purveyors of gambling. This is a man who wants to blame oil producers and OPEC for rising gasoline prices when he’s smart enough to know it’s our own government’s policies and the unrestrained actions of the Federal Reserve that are the cause. But of course, when the Fed digitizes money to the banks, it’s people like Donald Trump who benefit from his business connections with those same banks… so placing blame where it belongs would be, for him, setting the fire way too close to home.
But I digress. This isn’t about Donald Trump. It’s about us.
Did we learn nothing from our naive and shallow vote of 2008? Â Are we willing, yet again, to buy into the superficial claims and bumper-sticker promises of politicians (and aspiring politicians) without doing our due diligence in going deeper and demanding not only more substance but also more integrity?
If the answer is “Yes, we are prepared to be so simplistically deceived again†then God help us. We cannot go down this road even one more time… for we are out of time. Not to mention out of money.
It’s on each one of us now to put down our egos and our greed and be our highest Selves for the sake of the future.
Call me crazy, but I see no evidence of The Donald putting down either his ego or his greed in the near future… let alone for the sake of yours.  So let’s stop wasting time on him and go in search of real candidates with real solutions who come to the table fully grown with their egos in check and their mission the common good.
Transcending Polarization
I try to stay informed. What that means to me is that I try and listen to both sides of the argument… whatever “the argument†may be. Lately, I’ve come to the conclusion that we have become so polarized in our efforts to resolve our financial and societal crises that we’ve all but lost the ability to transcend differences and find common ground.
Potentially polarizing points of view are not unique to 21st century America. The six Native American tribes that combined to form the Iroquois Confederacy, the thirteen colonies that wrote the Declaration of Independence and the twelve states that sent representatives to Philadelphia in 1787 each had disparate opinions and interests. Yet, in each of the three instances, the common good transcended both the diverse interests at stake as well as the personal egos of the individuals representing those interests.
Given the dire circumstances we now find ourselves facing, why can we not see the wisdom of those lessons? I think the answers are ego, greed and fear of the unknown.
Contrast those examples with the current state of our economy, just one of the many challenges we face.  Both sides are blaming the other and both sides are dug in deep. Each has special interests coming to bear. The common good doesn’t appear to be anyone’s priority, although if you listen carefully they each have some valid points and helpful suggestions. The problem is that when you “dig in deep†there’s so much mud on top it’s hard to hear above ground!
Our President should be making a positive, leadership contribution towards resolving the underlying issues and elevating the discourse. Instead, he was most recently at Facebook corporate headquarters yesterday fueling the blame game and doing it directly with one of the groups he is courting politically for 2012, the young. That delivery, instead of inspiring others to seek the common good, was soliciting votes for the second term. And while Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, added that he “wouldn’t mind paying a little more in increased taxes on the wealthyâ€â€¦ a comment that got him a laugh from his constituents (also known as his “employeesâ€)… he’s not one to look to for guidance. He appropriated the idea for his company and had to pay 65 million dollars for the mea culpa.
The solution is to drop the posturing and realize that more resources (energy, time, and money) are wasted on maintaining incompatible positions than are needed to solve the problem. To acknowledge that we are all in this together and that it really is sink or swim time.  To accept that reprioritizing our values will make us better human beings not poorer ones. Finally, to be grown up enough to acknowledge that no one person… or one side… has all the answers. Both sides have kernels of good ideas to contribute toward meeting our challenges.
I like the saying, “wisdom may come from your grandmother cooking chicken soup at the stove.†The key is being confident enough… and smart enough… to know that and listen for it.
Egypt’s Seven Years of Famine
History can be instructive. So can dreams.
It was Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream that led to ancient Egypt’s readiness when it encountered seven years of famine following years of plenty. Joseph, a Jew, was appointed Viceroy of Egypt and put in charge of the grain supply. He ordered that grain be stored in anticipation of a shortage and, sure enough, the shortage followed and Egypt weathered the storm.
Instead of condemning the naysayer…Pharaoh promoted him.
Instructive? Maybe.
The price of oil is rising and with it the cost of almost everything else. Inflation is on the rise and the dollar is on the wane.  The U.S. economic outlook has been downgraded from “stable†to “negative.†We don’t have 7 years of grain reserves. In fact, we have about 15-18 day’s worth with grain production for ethanol use being about 5 times the amount we’re using for food.
While I don’t know if President Obama has had any dreams such as Pharaoh did…I do know where I got all the above facts. I got them from Glenn Beck. And while many people, including the President, are busy condemning Mr. Beck for his naysaying they would be wise to take a lesson from Pharaoh.
The saying goes, “Don’t kill the messenger.â€
Mr. Beck may irritate some and infuriate others, but there are a significant percentage of us out here who know that he is, and has been, copious in his fact checking and amazingly prophetic in his outlook.
I use the word “prophetic†not in the biblical sense and yet… one has to wonder why we would be any less deserving of Divine intervention than were those ancient Egyptians.
The Palestinian Underdog
I think it’s natural to root for the underdog. At some time I suppose we all do. So it’s not surprising that there has accumulated an international groundswell in support of Palestinian statehood. After all, Israel has been economically, politically, technologically, and militarily the stronger of the two opponents for…well…forever, it seems.
But action without thought is reckless. Â When we begin to actually think about the underdog, it starts to look strangely more like a rabid coyote than some cuddly domestic hound.
The latest example was the distribution of candy in Gaza in “celebration†of the savage massacre of five members of the Fogel family by Palestinian terrorists. But this is just the latest. Relentless rocket bombardment of Southern Israel, Palestinian children strapped with bombs and sent off by their mother’s to be martyrs, the targeting of innocent Israeli civilians while they ate, commuted or just got on with their lives. Where is recognition for the restraint exhibited by Israel time and time again where no other country would have tolerated such assaults and tragedy without retaliation?
It’s important to remember just who the aggressor is in this drama because there is a plan and a timetable underway by members of the United Nations to recognize a state of Palestine that will include Gaza and east Jerusalem. That’s the plan. The timetable is September 2011. And it seems our President is on board as well.
If you think action without thought is reckless, you “ain’t seen nothin’ yet.â€
The United States is currently engaged in three wars within Muslim countries. There are countless uprisings and revolutions in the Arab world taking place. Much of what we see is violent or portends violence.
It is foolhardy and dangerous to think that at such a time Palestinians, granted statehood under terms that rob Israel of a portion of its capital and return to the Arabs land that was fairly gained by Israel when it was attacked in 1967 by the Arab world, will result in anything other than emboldening the Palestinians to recommit to their charter. That charter, which has never been amended, calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.
It is imperative that we, as human beings, do our best to bring dignity and the necessities of life to every living being on the planet. It is not, however, imperative that we act without thinking and thereby reward barbarity and inhumanity.
Let’s demand that the Palestinians first eschew violence as a negotiating tool before we pass out the candy.