Archive for the ‘Change’ Category
The Loss of Matthew Warren
Suicide crosses all economic and sociological boundaries. No one is immune by nature of their family ties nor is anyone to blame. In fact, suicide knows no boundaries. This painful fact is most recently evidenced by the suicide death of Matthew Warren, the youngest son of Pastor Rick Warren, mega-church founder and author of the best-selling book “The Purpose Driven Life.â€
It seems almost a cruel irony that a man who inspired so many to find purpose and meaning in their own lives must now tragically face an inability to gift that same purpose to his own child. This tragedy is not a failing on the part of Pastor Warren. It is the sad but very real outcome of an individual’s inability to find hope and meaning in the midst of suffering.
I know. I tried to commit suicide at age 24 and have spent decades since building a rich, full and meaningful life. However, since that fateful day, I have periodically been challenged with those same thoughts that caused me to choose attempted suicide all those years ago.
The difference in how I have since dealt with those thoughts is by learning to override them through an understanding that the only constant is change. Therefore, no matter how bleak the present moment may seem, I know that I can trust in the fact that it will pass and change will come. I also developed an ever-growing sense of self-worth by facing, and overcoming, life challenges…starting small and working my way up to ever-increasing accomplishments.
I have read that Matthew Warren was described as “an incredibly kind, gentle and compassionate young man whose sweet spirit was encouragement and comfort to many.†How I empathize.
We live in a fast-paced, often-times alienated-from-one-another world due to technological advancements and misplaced values. The more sensitive, caring and perceptive one is of the pain of others, the more challenging it can be to exist under such circumstances. It seems the most gifted, the most artistic, the most remarkable individuals in human history have suffered the greatest emotional turmoil. Perhaps this is the price of truly understanding and feeling our connectedness to one another. I do not yet have this answer.
What I do know is that hope and trust in the ability to survive and prosper are tied to experiences of competency. The more often an individual is able to experience autonomy combined with accomplishment the more likely they are to be able to emotionally and intellectually weather the storms of clouded thinking that see suffering as permanent and suicide as an option.
To schedule Carole Goldstein to speak to your group, organization or school on attempted suicide and effective ways to overcome negative thinking click here.
A Game Called “Fiscal Cliff”
Is there anyone out there who is still unconscious enough to believe anything our politicians say or do?  I suppose the incredulous answer is “Yes†because they’re still “saying and doing†and, as in the President’s staged statement made just moments ago concerning the pending fiscal cliff… they’re still allowing themselves to be used as useful idiots positioned for the camera behind the President with smiles on their faces. Amazing. Truly!
These corrupt, disingenuous and self-serving public servants have just been given a pay raise by our President to be paid for with your tax dollars while they vacationed for Christmas at their respective homes (in the President’s case Hawaii) while we were left twisting in the wind over the potential price of milk and our tax burdens for 2013 and beyond. Then, they did us a favor and returned from holiday to perhaps cut a totally inadequate and piecemeal deal at the 11th hour when they should have, and could have, worked this out months ago.
This is but the latest example of why you have to disengage from “The Game.â€
The purpose of The Game is to keep you twisting in the wind and therefore, frightened. Frightened people are infinitely more manageable and easily manipulated (read: “enslavedâ€) than are independent, internally directed, personally responsible people. Hence, why they perpetuate all the uncertainty and fear.
I love board games but I don’t play chess. The reason I don’t play is because no matter how many times it’s been explained to me, I don’t get it. Besides, there are a multitude of other games to play with rules I do understand. Now, maybe it’s not the best analogy. After all, the rules of chess don’t change mid-game as do the rules of elite power brokers. Power brokers, and those sycophants who hang by their sides, play by rules and change them at will while the rest of us are forever playing catch up.
But where the analogy is GREAT is that we don’t have to play this game. We can get off this board and choose another game.
The one I like is “The Game of Oneness.â€
It has many dimensions but the rules are constant no matter which one you’re in:
1. Be personally responsible. 2. Have unfaltering integrity. 3. Think for yourself. 4. Buy only what you like regardless of what is marketed. 5. Back off technology. 6. Exhibit compassion for yourself and others. 7. Spend time in Nature and realign with its rhythms. 8. Cultivate joy in your heart and spread it outward. 9. Do no harm.
When you get to the end of that board, having played by the rules, the win is so much more than dying with the most toys.
The win is Eternal Life.
Righteous Anger
I understand why Jesus smashed the tables in the Temple courtyard. I could smash a few myself. There simply comes a time when enough is enough. When every rational and civil attempt to right the wrongs has failed.
The fiscal cliff is looming, Obamacare is about to change our lives (not for the better), and 20 children who had no means of defense are dead. Meanwhile…
– Members of Congress have gone home for Christmas. Really?
– The President and his family are vacationing in Hawaii. Really?
– We’re told we’re in an economic recovery and should believe the numbers… not our personal experience. Really?
– Congress has a better healthcare plan that the rest of us. Really?
– Sasha and Malia have guards with guns to protect them at school. Really?
– The children of many Congressman and Senators go to private schools with enhanced security. Really?
– In 2000, then President Bill Clinton requested $60 million in federal funding for a program called “COPS in Schools” that does exactly what the NRA has now proposed and which the media is currently mocking. Really?
There is such a thing as righteous anger. Righteousness, as I define it, is the “rightful use of energy.” When energy is properly utilized and directed so that both the intent and the outcome are in alignment with eliminating that which is diseased and corrupted, then such use is necessary. As our “leaders” vacation and provide themselves with exceptions, exemptions, protections and perks unavailable to the rest of society, I am reminded of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.
At the moment I have but one prayer:Â “Please, God, show me the way to the tables.”
The Sandy Hook Takeaway
I don’t know why he did it. No one does. It was a tragic and senseless act by a troubled soul.  I wept as did the Nation and as we each try to find some fact, some new information that could perhaps bring something resembling meaning to the chaos I am certain of one thing.
Hatred and further polarization are inappropriate and destructive responses. Whether media personalities or politicians… family members, friends or co-workers…“coming at each other†over gun control is to wildly miss the point. Only a world that has lost its moral and value-based compass could have strayed as far from Truth and harmony as we have strayed.
It’s about so much more than guns. That is precisely what we will try to avoid. We will try and tie it all up in a political package aimed at curbing assault weapons rather than accepting personal responsibility for how we have abdicated doing what is right when confronted with the opportunity to do what is expedient.
We have shunned putting forth the time to be parents to instead turn the children over to be influenced by technology. We have avoided living lives that establish standards that would then give us the right to demand the same of our elected leaders. We have failed to provide decent facilities and care for the mentally ill. We have determined the success of our personal lives by our incomes rather than our degree of inner peace, and that of the Nation by its Moody’s credit rating rather than its citizens proliferation of compassion. We have neglected to revere life in all its forms thus destroying at will that which is inconvenient or burdensome. We have lost the patience to allow our lives to unfold in harmony with natural rhythms and, by so doing, misplaced conscience as we took what we wanted when we wanted it without regard for consequence. We belittle and mock our own inner connection to the Divine while falling prostrate at the feet of material false idols.
There is no President, no legislation, and no committee to see about all the ways in which we have erred and rebelliously refused to self-correct. For in the end, this is what it has come down to. Self-correction. For if we do not use this moment, this tragedy, this waste of human life to stop the hatred, name calling and polarization… to awaken to our Oneness… then it will be too late to Self-correct.
We will have moved beyond any remedy conceivable by our limited capacities and inflated egos to turn the tide of self-destruction. If that should happen, the correction will come from a place outside of our understanding and may God have mercy on us.
Awaken now. Stop the separation now. Take responsibility now. Feel your humanity now. There is only One of Us.
What I do to you I do to myself. What I think of you I think of myself. What I wish for you I bring upon myself.
This is law and it is incontrovertible.
Christmas at Versailles aka The White House
Qu’ils mangent de la brioche, commonly translated as “Let them eat cake,†was not actually spoken by either French Queen Marie Antoinette or First Lady Michelle Obama although it could have been uttered by either. Like Marie, Michelle continues to display her propensity for excess and luxury while espousing, through word only, her compassion and understanding for the economic plight of the Nation and its citizens.
She is a perfect representation of her husband’s Administration. Self-indulgence and hubris sum it all up.
We need look no further than Christmas. You know, that time of year when we step outside our own wants and egos to fulfill the needs and wants of others. In theory, it’s a season of compassion, charitable giving and unity. Even when we fall far short of the theory and the ideal, finding ourselves caught up in the materialism of it all, we none-the-less stretch our minds, and our pocketbooks, to give what we hope others will delight in receiving. During tough economic times such as we presently find ourselves in, the stretching is all the more challenging and therefore, perhaps more heartfelt. We make do with less in order to give more.
Except for the Obamas.
A $4M taxpayer funded vacation to Hawaii in the face of looming economic crisis and 54 (yes I said 54!) Christmas trees throughout the White House is the First Couples way of saying not “Merry Christmas†but rather Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.
I do not begrudge a sitting President a Christmas break. Nor do I think the First Family should deny themselves a Christmas tree or two. After all, it’s a big house. And besides, there is nothing inspiring about your leader living like a peanut farmer in the most respected residence in the world. However, it’s a long way from peanut-farmer-austerity to the excesses of French nobility…or, in the instant case, those of the current inhabitants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Don’t even get me started on the President’s “my way or the highway†proposal to Congress to resolve the fiscal crisis that was delivered this week by an arrogant, self-impressed and unapologetic Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner. That’s the earlier hubris reference.
We have serious and mounting challenges to face. You and I are living the reality of those stresses every minute of every day. Yet those in whom we have placed both our confidence and the power to solve, or at least try to solve, these challenges are going about their lives arrogantly, uncompromisingly, and extravagantly.
Lately, I hear people attempting to compare President Obama to Abraham Lincoln. I will admit that both faced a fractured Nation. They are also both thin. Beyond that, I find the comparison laughable. If there is a leader with which to compare our current President I would suggest not Lincoln but Louis…as in Queen Marie’s husband, Louis XVI.
Louis started his reign as a popular monarch, but his indecisiveness led to the populace eventually perceiving him as part of the tyranny they sought to shake off.  It was also the people’s belief that Louis was seeking foreign invasion as a means of political salvation. His credibility eventually undermined, his reign foreshadowed the end of the monarchy and likely birth of the Republic.
At the recent Soul Train Music Awards, actor Jamie Foxx referred to “…Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama.†I think that was a bit extreme. King Barack, and Queen Michelle, would have been just fine.
Perhaps with prayer and an awakened populace this too will end with (a return to) the Republic.
High Crimes and Deceit
General Petraeus testified on Friday before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. He was explicit in his assertion that within moments of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi he deemed it to be an an act of terrorism committed by al Qaeda-linked militants. Consequently, there are now only two options relative to President Obama, what he knew and when he knew it.
Either the President lied to the American people when he maintained, for weeks following the attack in Benghazi, that it was the video that spurred the attack or he is so lacking in leadership capabilities that members of his Cabinet knew from experience it was unnecessary to tell him what was going on because he doesn’t make command decisions…others routinely do.
The first hypothesis is more plausible, albeit much more troubling, given the fact that despite the uncovering of a blatant lie perpetrated on the America people, this President has not fired anyone and everyone who should have been fired had they failed to comply with the law and advised him of events as they were occurring. The President’s inaction in this regard speaks volumes.
When combined with his Administration’s ongoing refusal to name the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization (self-proclaimed to imposing global Sharia law) while appointing Muslim Brotherhood members and advocates to positions of importance within the Administration, aiding the enemy is a de facto conclusion.
I wrote a post on November 10th that dared suggest treason may have been committed in relation to Benghazi and our government’s use of Muslim Brotherhood intermediaries to arm not Syrian rebels seeking freedom but radical Islamists seeking to do in Syria what this President supported them doing in Egypt. I no longer feel compelled to use the words “suggest†and “may.†It now appears the President committed treason which demands resignation and prosecution. In Egypt he publicly supported and encouraged a Muslim Brotherhood backed revolution which resulted in Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi. In Benghazi, he failed to adequately protect and rescue American citizens under attack; knowingly sought to shield our enemies from condemnation rightfully placed upon them; manipulated and withheld vital information from the American people in order to get re-elected and, lied to the American people for weeks following the attack in an attempt to cover up his deliberately dishonest actions thereby continuing to shield the enemy.
Politics gets sets aside on this one. This isn’t about “R†or “D.â€
This is about a man so possessed by his own aggrandizement, and in such disregard for the Constitution of the United States, that he believes he answers to nothing and no one in the quest to impose his will upon the Nation. He must be stopped. Such men are dangerous and drive nations into dictatorships that are protracted, difficult to disgorge, and detrimental to society.
It is now up to “We The People†through our Congressional representatives to have the courage and determination to do what is right as opposed to what is easy. It would be easy to turn a blind eye and deaf ear… then write this off to “politics as usual.†It is not that. These are the willful and destructive actions of a man who has neither earned, nor deserves, the office he has duplicitously obtained. Let us do the heavy lifting and right the wrong we allowed ourselves to be manipulated into believing. Then, perhaps, we can return to the Office of the Presidency the integrity it necessitates and the respect it was intended to engender.
President Obama: Customer Friendly
Did the President of the United States, in his first Press Conference in months, just say he is looking for ways to make the Federal government “more customer friendly?†He did. Customer friendly? If that isn’t the Freudian slip of the century I don’t know what is.
Those of us who voted otherwise last Tuesday saw that mindset as one of the reasons he should not have been re-elected. This guy thinks we work for him. He’s got it backwards. He works for us, the American People, as does the rest of the Federal government. If you wonder why he appears to think more about himself and less about your best interest it’s because he has never run an actual business. So how could he have any experience knowing how an actual business owner views his customers assuming, wrongly, that the Federal Government were a business…which it is not.
Secondly, regarding the misinformation Ambassador Susan Rice gave on five talk shows on the anti-Mohammed video being the impetus for the Benghazi attack, the President threatened that anyone who questions her “service to this Nation better come after me and not her.†Okay. Let’ do just that. Let’s go after him and demand to know, in the Nixonian fashion, “Mr. President, What did you know and when did you know it?â€
All in all, the more that those with eyes to see and ears to hear are exposed to this man, the more it is apparent that he has a different agenda than the one set forth in the Constitution. His agenda is to do what he wants, when he wants and demand it be how he wants regardless of what his “customers†think.
By the way, if you “bought†something from this guy and it turns out the product is defective or advertising misleading, good luck getting remedial action. I’m pretty confident no one answers the 800 number.
The Answer You’re Seeking Beyond the Chaos
I live in two worlds…the physical and the metaphysical. We all do to some extent. The physical world is what we can see, hear, smell, touch and sometime prove with objective means. It is a world evaluated and acted upon by our Conscious Mind. The metaphysical world is less easily defined but no less real. It is comprised of the branch of philosophy that treats the underlying theoretical principles of a subject.  It studies the relation of universals to particulars, and the teleological doctrine of causation. Its scope is broad enough to include the theologian, the philosopher, the mystic, and the fortune teller.
Some people, like myself, acknowledge and live in both of these worlds in a more or less balanced degree.  It wasn’t always so for me but I have worked deliberately, and at times accidentally, to achieve that balance…that harmony.
Others, such as Nikolai Tesla physicist and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of alternating current (AC) electrical supply system said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.â€
So what is our resistance to that beginning?  What is our fear around opening up to the unknown? Again, Tesla leads us in the direction of the answer. “If the genius of invention was to reveal tomorrow the secret of immortality, of eternal beauty and youth, for which all humanity is aching, the same inexorable agents which prevent a mass from changing suddenly its velocity would likewise resist the force of the new knowledge until time gradually modifies human thought.â€
We are living in a time when such “genius of invention†is opening up new ways of perceiving the physical and the non-physical, relating to one another and healing the body. We are being gifted the opportunity to open the heart frequency to receive more enlightened information than the mind frequency has the capacity to receive. But remember what Tesla said about the resistance “mass†puts up to “sudden changes in its velocity.â€Â We humans are mass and as such, are not immune to the natural actions and reactions of matter.  However, the Universal Laws of Change and Movement that affect all matter also subject us to that “gradual wearing down†of resistance Tesla identified.
Nature is The Answer because it holds all the answers. I live by the same desire that drove Tesla when he said, “The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind.â€
Dogs cannot see color but colors exists to all who can see them. Â There are worlds around and within us operating under the same Universal Laws that apply to the reality science studies and relentlessly pursues. If you want to know those worlds, if you want to see where others cannot, relinquish the grasp your mind has on the physical world and open your heart to those worlds that are beyond its grasp.
Petraeus Resigns Why?
Just when you think it can’t get any more absurd you find out you’re wrong. Director of the CIA General David Patraeus resigning over an affair? Really? He couldn’t keep it a secret? Please. This is so tied to the shameful fiasco in Benghazi that caused four good Americans to die, two of whom were heroic ex-Navy Seals, that its hard to believe the “powers that be†would have the audacity to try and sell this cover-up.
But wait. Of course they would try and sell it to a nation that just re-elected Barack Obama.
Now, I believe in Divine Providence. I was certain that our Creator had a hand in the election results which is why I was disappointed, yes…but not angry or despondent as so many who contacted me. As of this latest news about the General, I have ever more certainty (if you can even increase certainty) that  there is a greater plan at work than anyone yet perceives.
One of the hallmarks of an “ascension†or “expansion in consciousness†is more energy…more Light…more clarity if you will. It becomes increasingly difficult to obscure the illusions usually perpetrated upon us. Which is why I have been saying for several years now, “There are no more secrets.â€Â What is deceptive and disingenuous will be revealed sooner or later and more likely, sooner.
On one level you have those who like to play in the darkness. They think they can power over others by deceit and manipulation. Hence, the “video caused the Benghazi attack†fiction…until it fell apart. You see, there’s the key. It fell apart.†Why? Because no matter how clever the darkness deludes itself into thinking it is, the Light always has its way.
This affair-driven resignation by General Petraeus reeks of dishonesty. Not the dishonesty to a wife for an extramarital affair bur rather dishonesty to a nation for failure to perform in the function for which he was hired.
Give up AM and FM. Stay tuned to “LMâ€â€¦the LightFrequency Modulation for the latest and most accurate information on this and other scandals yet to unfold.  You tune in by going within your own  core while connecting directly to The Source of All That Is.
It’s going to be a much more interesting second term than they ever imagined.
An Open Letter To Romney Supporters
I had many people reach out to me today via email and phone calls to express their disappointment, frustration, depression, anxiety, and even anger over the re-election of President Obama. I have responded in the same way to each of them. Since their range of emotions is likely indicative of all those who supported Governor Romney, let me share my response here for those of you who feel similarly.
There are no accidents. Life has a plan even when we lack our own or fail to recognize the grander one. I see profound meaning and glorious potential in what has occurred.
The Torah, the first five books of Moses, has God on occasion calling the Israelites a “stiff-necked people.†By that is meant that they can be, and at times were, resistant to following Divine Guidance. I think the word applies to our culture here in the United States.
For quite some time, certainly for the past 50 years, years, we’ve lost our way in terms of prioritizing our values. We became too materialistic, too impatient, too disrespectful of life for both the unborn and the elderly, too condescending to Nature, and too lacking in compassion for our fellow citizens. We look to the state and the federal government to do what is ours to do. We’ve abdicated personal responsibility in so many ways that we’ve forgotten how, and why, to do things for ourselves.
Such behavior is inconsistent with all the great religions of the world and so we have become a stiff-necked people.  Where there is abdication there always follows consequences. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that as government continues to grow and more and more people become externally reliant rather than self-reliant, and the freedom that comes with personal responsibility is eroded to the point that all people feel the constricting arms of dependency…we will awaken. When that occurs, we will have the opportunity to pay the price for the personal liberty we thought we could bargain for nothing. It is good news though. Such a payment is always worth it and, yes assuredly, there is literally Light at the end of this tunnel.
For those of us already awake, it will be a smoother ride knowing that Divine Providence is driving and has a plan. For those unawakened, the ride will not be without its treacherous moments for a stiff neck takes a greater hit than one that has bent itself to the Will of God.