Archive for the ‘Change’ Category
We The People
We The People  do nothing regardless of how deceitful, corrupt or perverse our government, through its elected officials, has become.
We The People  do nothing as all the deceit fuels our separation from one another.
We The People  do nothing as Truth is called lie and vice versa.
We The People  do nothing while our instincts warn us that the abyss is near.
We The People  do nothing but act like slaves even while our individual faiths teach us that we are created free and in the image of divinity.
We The People do nothing but allow our children and their children to be burdened with irreparable harm.
We the People  of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Exactly Which People are we?
What’s Wrong With New Yorkers
Maybe it’s the combined, long-term effects of the water, traffic, noise, pace and general rudeness that has finally taken its toll on the residents of one of the largest cities in the world. With 47% of its inhabitants supportive of Anthony Weiner staying in the Mayoral race (a percentage determined by polling after his most recent mea culpa) I can only conclude that the cause is some form of collective brain damage. After all, French sociologist Emile Durkheim introduced the term “collective consciousness†so why not collective brain damage?
Only an intellectually challenged (or morally bankrupt) individual would seek to empower someone as depraved and deceitful as Anthony Weiner by giving him carte blanche over the 16th largest economy in the world…not to mention unfettered power over the women who live and work there.
Years ago, while practicing law, I had a female client who had been physically and emotionally abused by her husband for years. He refused to reasonably settle the case, taking the same bullying approach to my efforts as he was used to doing in the marriage. So, I tried the case.  After extensive testimony by my client, and lengthy cross-examination of the husband, the judge wrote an opinion that began with the words, “Husband is an abuser, a liar and a manipulative individual who lacks any semblance of conscience.â€
Allow me to run with that.
Anthony Weiner is a serial liar, sex addict, sexual predator, and ego-maniac who lacks a conscience. Should New Yorkers actually elect him Mayor, it will say more about their own depravity and abandonment of common decency than it could ever say about him. In that case, they and their city will be irretrievably lost.
Hope and Change Egyptian Style
Who would have ever thought that the Egyptians would be teaching us anything about Civil Disobedience or “Hope and Change”? But as the Egyptian people take to the streets and raise their voices in opposition to deceit, oppression and incompetence…we here in American remain disturbingly silent in the face of the same issue: a President and Administration that is not, it turns out, what they purported to be when seeking office.
Tellingly, during the Arab Spring, President Obama was quick to support the “will of the Egyptian people” and equally ready to praise the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in replacing the ousted Hosni Mubarak. Now, as Morsi has been revealed to be the incompetent, radical Islamist that he is, President Obama’s silence is deafening, not to mention indicative of his true stance on “the will of the people.†For it seems that to President Obama, the will of the people is nothing more than a tool to be implemented when it aligns with his goals and an annoyance or obstacle to be ignored or circumvented when it does not.
But I digress.
I have to admire Egyptians for their unwillingness to allow Morsi any more time that he has already been given to right the country’s economic and social ills. While I do not condone violent revolution (deaths and rape are still a part of the unfolding “democracy†in Egypt) it is none-the-less admirable that those people are willing to take to the streets, raise their voices and risk their lives to bring down an Islamic dictatorship bent on, not democratic principles, but rather a global Caliphate. Their bravery and willingness to stand is something we Americans used to pride ourselves on before we became greedy, sated with materiality, and disconnected from our Creator.
While no one knows for certain the outcome in Egypt, I have a bit more certainty when it comes to the outcome here. If we don’ take heed of the Egyptians (a sentence I never thought I’d write) and read their signs (“Wake Up Americans…Barack Obama Backs Up A Fascist Regime in Egyptâ€) it is we who will soon be lugging stones to build a pyramid under the direction of a Pharaoh.
The Shame of Anthony Weiner
In the run-up to the New York City Mayoral Democrat primary, former disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner is now leading his opponent, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn. The implications of Mr. Weiner’s success at resurrecting himself from sex-addict to Mayoral candidate lead me to a disturbing conclusion regarding New York Democrats…and I fear the majority of Americans as well.
We have given up caring about ethics, morality and the truth.
Anthony Weiner is symptomatic of the diseases of apathy and abdication of personal responsibility that we, as a culture, suffer from. Some might even say diseases from which we are close to death.
I am a cynical optimist. I question everything, have a tendency to see the flaw in most situations, yet retain an underlying and unwavering faith in the power of the individual to overcome or transform the darkest moments of existence. I have always been this way and yet, recently, I am having difficulty holding on to faith in my countrymen as a whole.
We’ve allowed ourselves to be lied to about Obamacare, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, the NSA, drone strikes, immigration reform, and a seemingly endless list of other issues and we DO NOT CARE. We certainly do not care enough to demand a change in the policies and politicians who continue to perpetuate these falsehoods and encroachments upon our individual liberties and rights. Hilary Clinton for President in 2016? Really? Can you say “Banghazi, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner and Hilary Clinton” with a straight face?
Which is why I say Anthony Weiner is a symptom. He lied to the American people when he led a witch hunt and boycott against Goldline and talk-radio personality Glenn Beck; he lied when he denied sexting; he knowingly manufactured a false story about his Twitter account having been hacked, and he mocked his marriage vows and disgraced himself and his wife when he sexted and lied to cover it up. Yet, in no time, New Yorkers are seriously, even eagerly, willing to consider him as a viable Mayoral candidate despite all his deceit and apparent lack of conscience.
We are at the edge of a cultural abyss. It will not take much to push us over. It will, however, take much to pull us back. The question remains whether or not there are enough of us who care enough to risk what must be risked, say what must be said, and do what must be done.
If the answer is not “Yes” then I fear for our continued existence as a free people as well as the fate of all humanity.
A Woman’s Courage in the Face of Terror
Perhaps two of the most frequently posed questions about the reluctance, even failure, of German Jews to stand and fight against Hitler’s onslaught is “Why didn’t they do anything? Why didn’t they fight back?†Over the past 70+ years many theories have been postulated in response to that inquiry. Yesterday, in Great Britain, I believe we witnessed the answer.
As an evil Muslim terrorist brutally, viciously, and without conscience hacked to death and then nearly beheaded an innocent young man in broad daylight, onlookers stood by and watched. Not one man in the crowd lifted a finger or raised a voice to either stop the slaughter or even try and take down the assailant. The onlookers might just as well have been thought to be watching a passing parade.
Slavery is a slippery slope. While physical enslavement can come upon someone by a single act (such as capture or seizure of the means of defense a/k/a/ “gun control”), psychological enslavement is a more subtle and prolonged process. Most often, it is achieved by manipulation of the truth and implementation of fear through threats or physical pain. Slowly, over time and given the right conditions, even the strongest of individuals is susceptible to relinquishing autonomy of thought. Once that occurs, submission follows.
Terrorists and political elites have been using manipulation and fear to enslave us for some time now. One might argue its been occurring intermittently for as long as recorded human history. However, with the advent of modern technological advances, and simultaneous removal of all things spiritual from our lives, it has reached a dangerous tipping point. Humanity is on the verge of psychological enslavement. It will not be necessary to physically enslave us once this becomes complete.
In Great Britain, people watched because the unthinkable and inhumane is hard to process. People watched because terror is becoming a way of life. People watched because in the face of evil it isn’t uncommon to become immobilized. People didn’t do anything because they feared for their own safety. These are the same reasons given in attempts to analyze the non-action of so many Jews in Nazi Germany.
But there’s a glitch. One woman in Great Britain DID act and speak.
A mother of two, who was a passenger on a bus moving past the horrific scene, disembarked after seeing all the blood. She thought an accident had occurred. When she realized what was happening, she approached the terrorist and asked him if he had done this and what was it that he wanted. When later interviewed and asked why she took the risk, she said it was because of her faith. There were children standing by and she thought better she be harmed than one of them.
The presence of God knows no fear.
This is the 11th hour. Â This is the hour to exercise your autonomy. This is the hour to find your voice. This is the hour to demand accountability from the few who are misusing power to enslave the many. We have been cooperative and complacent for far too long. To not push back now is to irretrievably abdicate our birthrights of Freedom and Free Will.
The Inconvenient Truth About Benghazi
The most important aspect of the Benghazi terror attacks has yet to surface. It’s not about why there was insufficient security given advance knowledge of the dangers, or who gave the order to stand down, or even why President Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton contrived to lie about both the cause and the decisions that followed in response.
Benghazi isn’t about them. It’s about us.
Just how much deception, manipulation and disrespect will we allow ourselves to be subjected to before we become indignant, demand accountability, pursue prosecution and replace those individuals with public servants who honor integrity and truth above expediency and power?
How many brave individuals, such as those who died in Benghazi and those who now testify to the truth of what occurred there have to risk their careers, or forfeit their lives, to do what is right in the face of evil?
How many of us will continue to choose self-imposed blindness and ignorance of leaders with an endgame that culminates in our enslavement and whose means of getting there knows no ethical, moral or legal bounds?
Benghazi isn’t about them. It’s about us.
While our minds play intellectually disingenuous games based upon particular agendas and political predispositions, our hearts know with certainty that President Obama, Hilary Clinton, Jay Carney, Susan Rice, and a supporting cast of literally thousands are liars.
Benghazi isn’t about them. It’s about us.
So long as we acquiesce to allowing ourselves to be distracted from the truth and herded like sheep into a state of manageable containment, we have far more pressing concerns than Al Qaeda. We are on the brink of voluntarily relinquishing our birthright. Like Biblical Esau, who traded his birthright for a bowl of hot soup because he was more concerned with instant gratification than the long-range consequence of his choice, we are condemning ourselves and our children to a world where deception and slavery are the norm.
This isn’t a hypothetical. Nor is it hyperbole. This is the real danger, and now is the defining moment, each of us is facing. What will you accept? What will you do?
Benghazi isn’t about them. It’s about us.
The Lesson from Boston: America on The Edge
I’m watching breaking news in the Boston area and I’m wondering how many people who previously thought otherwise are now rethinking the stance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“Bibi†Netanyahu was born in Israel, educated partly in the United States at the same high school I attended, wounded while serving in an elite unit of the Israeli Defense Forces, lost his brother Yoni who was later commander of the same Special Forces Unit, Sayeret Matkal (and who was killed in 1976 while commanding Operation Entebbe which successfully rescued kidnapped Americans and other European nationals). Netanyahu was the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations from 1984-1988. In summation Bibi has been on the front lines, figuratively and literally, in both negotiation with and combating Islamic extremism.
Now, Islamic extremism has indisputably arrived in America. Two Muslim trained and radicalized Chechen young men selected what is euphemistically termed “soft targets what you and I call “peopleâ€â€¦and blew them to bits. On the run, they continue to seek maximum destruction and intend to themselves die in seeking that end.
The “hard line†Prime Minister Netanyahu formed in relation to terrorism over the life of his military and political careers as a citizen of a nation perpetually in survival mode is born of experience. It’s not founded in theory, philosophy, or some idyllic utopian vision of a world joined by either Socialism or a Caliphate. When you’ve experienced enough deceit, mayhem and murder in your past, you tend to make decisions about your well-being based upon the likely occurrence of such things in your present and future, absent a change of heart by those who have pledged themselves to your extinction.
The Obama Administration is headed by a community organizer who, as President, has repeatedly insulted our friends and embraced and emboldened our enemies. Yet, the American people continue to “like†him.
As with Netanyahu, Obama’s experiences have formed, and continue to form, his ideology and stance. His experience teaches him that the West, and in particular the United States and Great Britain, have committed great sins in colonizing and oppressing peoples of other nations. His experience is that it’s time for an American mea culpa and it’s his time to structure and lead it.
We are not leaderless.
We, as a Constitutional Republic, are on the road to extinction.
We are not leaderless.
We are asleep and acting as sheep.
We are not leaderless.
We are being led down the road of extinction by this President.
We are not leaderless.
We are voluntarily blind, deaf and frighteningly dumb.
Pure Hypocrisy
Hypocrite n. 1. a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion  2. a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
President Obama says it is “unimaginable†that Congress would “defy” the will of the people on gun control.
President Obama defied the will of the people on ramming through Obamacare when 51% of the Nation opposed it.
President Obama said the Cambridge police “acted stupidly†before he knew the facts, weighing in on the arrest of Harvard scholar and African-American Henry Louis Gates Jr.
President Obama, after the facts were determined, refuses to term the Ft. Hood massacre a “terrorist act” but instead chooses to call it “workplace violence.”
President Obama stood with then college student Sandra Fluke on providing free contraceptives to college students through student health services.
President Obama will not comment on the mass murderer Dr.Kermit Gosnell, African-American, who aborted and brutally murdered approximately 50,000 children over the past 20 years.
President Obama says we shouldn’t go to Las Vegas and be more responsible in our personal financial (and nutritional) lives.
President Obama smokes cigarettes and takes, among others, a $1,000,000 golf weekend with Tiger Woods as the deficit soars past 16,000,000,000,000.
Hypocrite n. 1. President Obama.
What Anthony Weiner Says About You
In case you were in a coma last year or on safari, Anthony Weiner is the former New York Congressman, sans conscience, who “sexted†young women photos of his private parts. Further, he lied to the American people claiming he had not done so and that his Twitter account was hacked. Ultimately he admitted the error of his ways, including but not limited to his lying, and resigned. In his spare time, Weiner also partook of a lie-based smear campaign against talk-radio host Glenn Beck and one of Beck’s sponsors, Goldline. But I digress.
Fast forward and Weiner has thrown his hat into the ring once again as he tests the poll numbers in a bid for the Democratic nomination to run for….wait for it…Mayor of New York, To quote Hollywood, “Only in America.â€
But this isn’t about Anthony Weiner. He’s just the reference point. It’s about you and me.
Whether you are religious and believe that we define ourselves by exercising our Free Will and making choices between good and evil, consider yourself part of the metaphysical movement and believe that we create our reality with our intentional thoughts, or are an atheist who thinks you’re bound by a personally defined moral code, choosing to put a despicable, lying, sex addict back into public office would be a pretty damning indication of just how unconscious and lacking in ethics the people of New York are.
Currently, Weiner is running a tight second in the polls. However, New York is merely the microcosm. The rest of the country can take no pleasure in casting the first stone. Step back just a tad and look at the last two Presidential elections. First, we elected a man with no experience. Then, when he did nothing in his entire term to either warrant praise or benefit the nation, we re-elected him rather than a man with proven successes and impeccable character…and look where we are.
Like it or not, we define ourselves by our choices and to a great extent, create the world we live in by those same choices. If you and I are unhappy with the present state of that world, then we better wake-up, take personal responsibility for our choices and stop kidding ourselves that it all happens by chance or outside of our control
If the Democrat Party runs Anthony Weiner as its Mayoral candidate, and New Yorkers elect Anthony Weiner as their Mayor, then they are either irreversibly ignorant or irretrievably unconscious. In either case, they will be damned by their choice.
Make no mistake. We always get to choose and by so doing, define ourselves.
Murder and Lies in America
A house of horrors abortion clinic in Philadelphia.  A fourth grade teacher in Florida having students print that they would “give up some of [their] constitutional rights in order to be safe or more secure.†A New York high school teacher who assigned his class to “argue Jews are evil†while blaming them for the problems of Nazi Germany.
I am less troubled by who we have become than by the question, “Why don’t we care who we’ve become?” Have these collective offenses to the Divine in each of us been reduced, at best, to passing stories on the nightly news? Why do we not care about education that is agenda based, deceitful and perverse? Why are we so apathetic or hardened to the systematic slaughter of the unborn that we allow it to continue in the name of a woman’s right to choose?
I am a woman and I chose. When my ex-husband and I could not have a child we chose to go to China and adopt our daughter. She is a beauty both inside and out.  In light of the gruesome story out of Philadelphia, I look at her and am pained by the thought that she, too, could have been brutally “terminated†but for the courage of her birth mother, the existence of an orphanage and her own sheer will to survive.  What right do we have, we who are the beneficiaries of the gift of life, to take it from the innocence of others? Why do we think we can escape the inevitable slippery slope of turning a blind eye to the total disregard and devaluation of human life?  If you know your Purim story and Mordechai’s admonition to Queen Esther, then you know the wisdom teaching that if you try and deny your responsibility towards saving humanity, you too will perish.
As for the stories out of Florida and New York, they are “the canaries in the gold mine†of education. We are, through “Common Core†and our indifference to the personal responsibility for educating our children, abandoning and enslaving this and future generations to the distortions and perversions of evil. So as the power players bombard us with news and arguments in favor of gun control, they are simultaneously and systematically seeking to selectively control the population and mold minds through abortion and curriculum, respectively.
What they seek to accomplish can only be attained by our accompanying indifference and cooperation. What we think will not happen here is based upon the false premise that it can never happen here because it has never happened here.
The premise is false on two counts.
First, at the end of the Civil War, the nation embarked upon Reconstruction and by way of Black Codes, prohibited gun ownership from freedmen, slaves and African-Americans. The result? A flourishing Ku Klux Klan.  We have, in our own history, sought to control birth, education and self-defense of an entire people. It was a shameful time, a blight upon the National saga, with repercussions still felt today. Secondly, an enlightened and civilized society, Europe of the early twentieth century, was the breeding ground for Adolph Hitler.
Evil can and will exist anywhere humanity allows it to germinate and grow through indifference and cooperation. The good news is that each of us has total control over how indifferent or cooperative we choose to be. Pick your cause. This is the time to be heard. This is the time to stand. Find the indignation within and, with focused intention, speak truth to power. This is your moment.
There is only One of Us. In no more concise a fashion can this be stated than it was by Rabbi Hillel, the 1st century Jewish sage and scholar who said, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?”
Have the presence of mind to ask yourself “When?â€Â Then have the courage of heart to hear the response. “Now.â€