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The Way To Peace
> There are times when I think Life is either less than subtle or having a good chuckle at the way in which it “conspires” to teach us vital lessons. Recently, I have come up against one of those times and the lesson seems to be about learning the distinction between compromise and harmony.
I have come to realize how very different these two concepts are and how often we mistakenly seek compromise when it’s harmony that would provide the highest good for all concerned. The reason I marvel at Life’s occasionally “heavy hand” is because within the past few days I have been given the opportunity to really understand the nuances between these two.
Going through divorce, I am naturally inclined to try and figure out where my husband and I went off track in trying to successfully build a lasting relationship between two people who undoubtedly love one another. As I was working on this very understanding, our daughter is appearing in the high school play, King and I. For those of you unfamiliar with the play, the overriding message is about two people from two different cultures who clash head on in an effort to reach their respective goals. Both are strong-willed and both disinclined to compromise. In the end, their successes arise out of the places where they are able to meet…the places where each is able to
both get what they want as well as honor what the other wants as well.
It’s all about allowing and respecting differences. Not tolerating them, but allowing and honoring them.
The cast at the high school is remarkably talented. This, however, is not their most outstanding attribute. They are a diverse group of children from various ethnic and racial backgrounds as equally diverse in their economic standings. However, they have an astonishing spirit of “oneness” that is the basis for their successful cooperation and harmony. They accept and honor their diversity, rather than seeing it as an obstacle. In fact, they are adept at both “give” and “take” in their personal relationships with one another as well as within the confines of the production of the theater department.
As the curtain call was taking place, and the diversity of the cast particularly evident, my friend who had accompanied me to the play leaned over to me and said, “Isn’t it amazing how they are so different yet create something so harmonious.”
So, there it is. It’s my lesson for my marriage but also a lesson for Life, in general. When we compromise, it usually involves a “giving up” or a “giving in” of something we value. And compromise usually done with anything from mild discomfort to outright resentment…from which we rarely recover. A stable and loving future is unlikely built upon such a weak foundation. However, when we seek out where we and another can meet…where we harmonize…where what we each seek is both recognized and honored by the other, then the foundation is built upon honor and acceptance.
Such foundations are strong and able to withstand the blustery winds of relationship that inevitably come around.
Compromise breeds discord. Honoring and acceptance breed harmony.
I suspect that Life will now move on and get it’s chuckles elsewhere… conspiring to teach me something else.
I’ve got this one.
>P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
In God's Name
> There was a cowardly terrorist attack today in Jerusalem against high school age students. Many died, many more injured. It never ceases to amaze me that the most abhorrent and inhumane acts are carried out in the name of God. As a Jew, my religion teaches me that God’s name is sacrosanct, even unpronounceable, for it harbors within It the incomprehensible power of Creation. Creation is the act of bring forth Life. So how is it possible that in It’s name what is rendered is the deliberate taking of Life?
I am fond of saying that for every butterfly to be born, a caterpillar must die. This is the analogy I often voice when pessimists raise the specter of so much violence in the world. I try and remember that ultimately we are evolving toward a more conscious, more loving Being, we humans, and that a necessary component of evolution is the dying off of certain forms. And it helps to throw in a little physics and add that matter is neither created nor destroyed…but rather redistributed. It helps when the discussion is theoretical. It’s of little consequence, and less solace, when children are massacred.
I write every day with a single mindedness of purpose. That purpose is to find the highest meaning for all concerned. I pride myself on having the gift of being able to do just that, no matter what the occurrence. This entry challenges me to my core and I wonder, even as I write, if I can succeed this time.
My agony is not because these were Jewish children, but because they were children. Whether these 9 innocents, or the children of Darfur, India, China, Gaza or Philadelphia…we must awaken to the Truth that to abandon the children is to bankrupt the future. We have become so hardened to violence is it’s many forms that these become just news stories without eliciting form us the agony and indignation that should rise up from our innermost Being and scream “No more…not on my watch.”
To do nothing is to partake of human sacrifice. Let’s not delude ourselves that because there is no physical altar it is anything other than sacrifice. But for what are we sacrificing our children? What answer could possibly validate the question? Who are we to allow so much anger and hatred to fester that the lives of children have become expendable commodities to be traded in a war waged in the Name of God? For we are allowing the hatred to continue to fester and grow for so long as we do not demand of ourselves that we begin immediately to remove hated from our own lives.
There is no “us” or “them.” There is no “other.” There is only the full expression, as seen in an infinite number of possibilities, of the Pure Urge to Be All That It Is. If evil exists it is separation. It is the illusion that what I do to you I do not also do to myself. It is allowing hated to rise above compassion and stand as a guiding principle in the Name of God when God knows nothing of hatred…for it is humankind’s co-creation… and our least admirable one at that.
There is only one way to redeem the lives of those high school age students in Jerusalem. Only on way to save the children everywhere whose lives are daily being devalued, abandoned, tortured, and enslaved. You and I have to say “enough.” We have to circumcise our hardened hearts. W have to raise our voices to such a pitch that there will not be a corner of this Earth where one can escape our cry.
And we must Be, in God’s Name, what God Is.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
Fear Factor
>Fear has many faces, especially in personal relationships. Lately, I’ve been blessed by being able to unmask two of them and I ‘d like to share with you what I uncovered. As my regular readers know I am going through a divorce. Personally, I believe that every experience we have is filled with opportunities to learn important Life lessons. This divorce is no exception.
What I’ve observed is that my husband and I each have our own brand of Fear that gets in the way of deeply connecting. My particular brand is the need to be right. At the end of the day, so to speak, or the end of a discussion…I have a tendency to make judgments and then to justify those judgments by scoring points in the “see I was right” category. When someone has to “win” there is no room for anyone else at the podium. When there’s no room for anyone else, you’re in it alone.
I’m afraid to be wrong.
Not exactly the point of entering into a relationship now, is it?
My husband, on the other hand, simply cannot see the “moment” through to it’s natural conclusion…however long that moment may be. He only interacts to his pre-set comfort level and, past that point, he’s gone. Sometimes literally…but usually just emotionally.
He’s afraid of intimacy.
Not exactly the other point of entering into a relationship, either.
So you’re thinking,”No wonder they’re getting divorced!” And perhaps you’re correct. But there’s a bigger issue here that goes beyond our relationship.
It’s the willingness to embrace Life, and others, without pre-conditions, without judgment, and with a commitment to the integrity of the experience without having to control what that looks like or how long it takes.
I was at the book store recently and observed that there are so many books being published on how to live in the moment, in the Now, that one can hardly keep up. But there’s a reason for this message spilling forth from almost ever direction. I think the single most important “discovery” of our time is the knowledge…wisdom, actually…that being fully present in the moment, and in who you are, while allowing others to do the same is the key to a fulfilling Life as well as to fulfilling your Life’s purpose.
If there is one lesson I will begin the next phase of my life with, securely embedded in my heart, it is this knowing that judgment and control are two of the faces of Fear and when unmasked, reveal a more complete portrait of what Love looks like.
I wish us both blessings on our continuing journeys…and I know you do as well.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
What If?
>I’ve been doing a lot of radio interviews lately around the topic of drug abuse and attempted suicide, spurred by a recent CDC study on increased suicide rates among teenagers (up 8% after a 22% decline) and the ever-present stores about Heath Ledger, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and other famous people who seem unable to manage their successes and their fame, not to mention their lives.
I’m some what of an “expert” on the topic of attempted suicide, having attempted it at age 23.
While I’ve written about that previously, I was asked an interesting question today while being interviewed by Shelley Duffy of KDKA in Pittsburgh. Shelley asked me if I believed that I would have the same views about life that I have today had I not attempted suicide and survived it. My reply was that it’s a hypothetical question that I can never know the answer to. However, I continued by saying that I am eternally grateful for having survived it because every experience we have, and the meaning we bring to it, builds upon the others to shape us into Who We Are and how we approach life.
As the day wore on, I kept going back to Shelley’s question. I began to think how often I hear people say they “regret” something they said or did and how often people want to forget the painful and difficulty of those times gone by. To the contrary, those times and experiences are the high octane fuel that drives us to new and exciting destinations along the Road of Life. Far from regretting them, we should embrace them and, when helpful, be willing to share them with others. For every experience, and it’s lesson learned, can become a guiding light to others in ways unimagined.
For many years I did not speak publicly about my attempt. Then, recently, I spoke to 500 students at an area high school. It was very rewarding, as many students came and shared their feelings and expressed their gratitude after each class presentation.
Then, a few nights ago, I was at the school again because my daughter was performing in the school play. As I was helping set up the refreshments for sale at intermission, two girls walked over to me and said, “Did you speak to us recently?” I had to stop and think for a moment for they caught me off guard. Then I said, “Are you sophomores?” When they replied that they were, I said, “Yes, I did speak to your class about a month ago.” The two of them then shared how they were inspired by my story and each thanked me for the courage to speak up. We exchanged a few more words and then went on our respective ways.
From a purely selfish viewpoint, I cannot tell you how gratifying that encounter was. Here it was weeks after the presentation and they not only remembered me but needed to share how it had impacted them. From a more altruistic viewpoint, I am humbled by the many twists and turns my life has taken, some smooth…others rocky and painful…but all combined to bring me Here and Now where I can be of service by providing hope where it may be sorely, and temporarily, lacking.
So, what if I had never attempted suicide?
I’ll never know that answer and I don’t need to. I did attempt it and I did survive it. The meaning I bring to that experience is all that matters. For me, the meaning is that there are no accidents, there is purpose in everything, we need the patience to let that purpose unfold and when it does, to bravely step up and assume the role we were born to fulfill.
No “what ifs” ands or buts.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
Patience Through It All
> Much of what I write concerns a “higher ground” approach to living life. As a firm believer in an ever-expanding Consciousness that underlies reality as we know it, I am forever seeking the highest message we can take from each day’s events in order to elevate the quality of the world we co-create anew each day. And while I always find that message, and always promote that we follow it’s teaching, I think it’s worth a few moments to reflect upon what’s needed to transition from fear-based thinking to love-based action.
It takes patience.
We’re not long on it these days, mainly due to the rate of speed the technology has us “operating” at. We are all so rushed in trying to keep up with all the demands upon our time and attention that patience has pretty much become an historical concept to most people. And so, when I suggest changing the way your are in the habit of both thinking about and living your life, this can seem an insurmountable task for which you have neither the time nor the patience.
However, if you devote your time anywhere, it should obviously be devoted to ways that improve your immediate world and the world in general. Because I’m certain you get that part of the process, I feel no need to belabor it. We know the truth when we hear it. Whether or not we choose to follow or act upon it is what Free Will is all about.
The patience piece, however, deserves a little time and attention.
I’m no harder on you than I am on myself. I strive each day to be better than I was the day before, and to actually apply and live these “higher principles” that I write about. One key piece of advice that I want to share from experience is the need to be patient with yourself as you change the way you see and respond to reality.
Expanding your Consciousness is no different than developing your biceps. If you were to set out to build up your biceps, you’d approach it in the following way:
1) Begin a regular program designed to do effect your goal.
2) Regularly participate in that program.
3) Anticipate some discomfort as the previously un-worked muscles are
strained in the toning process.
4) Allow a reasonable amount of time to assess progress.
5) Re-evaluate your progress and your goal.
6) Set a new goal.
Elevating your Consciousness fundamentally requires the same approach. However, when it comes to changing our thoughts and behavior, it’s Step #4 that can most easily cause us to abandon the mission.
Not only are we impatient with ourselves and the process, but we have a tendency to think that because we are trying the results should be immediately recognizable. Worse yet, we don’t allow for “two steps forward and one step back.”
We have a harder time focusing on our progress than our shortcomings.
My personal experience with applying all of these expanded Consciousness principles is that one begins to live in two realities simultaneously…or at least alternatively. One reality is the one that you have been comfortably, albeit unsuccessfully and unconsciously, living in most of your life. You are familiar with it but it has brought neither peace nor profound joy to your existence. The other reality is the one that you now experience through your expanded awareness of the possibilities for synchronicity, harmony and congruence in relation to everyone and everything. And while this new reality is exhilarating and empowering, it also seems fleeting.
The point at which you are unable to stay in that heightened state is when you need to draw on patience to allow for the fact that you are strengthening a new muscle as sure as if you were developing that bicep. When you not only lose your grasp on that higher reality, but also find yourself back in the former one behaving in ways that baffle you in light of your new awareness,…again, patience! in allowing yourself the human experience of how growth occurs. It’s not always a dramatic growth spurt. More often than not it’s a transition from one state of being to another, with a significant amount of overlap throughout the transition process. So throw a little patience into the mix and remember that 1) you have a goal and 2) you are determined to achieve it.
If you’ll permit me, a little extra piece of advice.
Forgive yourself for behavior that appears to be backsliding. It’s really just residual “stuff” on it’s way out as you ascend into a state of Being where there happens to be no room to carry the “stuff” you’re so perfectly leaving behind.
Patience and Forgiveness on the road to Oneness.
Sounds almost biblical.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
To Thy Own Self Be True
> I was recently in Barnes and Noble, doing what I often do, browsing. I just love walking through those aisles, lingering here and there to take in all that shared knowledge. What struck me during my most recent foray was the proliferation of titles that, in one way or another, proposed or promised direction in “Finding Your Life’s Purpose.” Such books abound and so do their sales numbers.
There are no accidents. I live by this belief.
So the recent calling to all of these writers to develop the topic of finding one’s Life purpose indicates two truths: 1) a lot of people are being “guided” to disseminate a specific message at this time and, 2) a lot of people are ready for that message.
Let’s explore the message, why it’s so important and why, until now, it’s received so little attention.
The message that each of us has a unique Life’s purpose implies that there’s a specific job that each of us is to perform in our lifetimes. If each of us has a job that can only be accomplished by that individual, then to not “show up” for that job is not only to miss the reason we are alive but also to leave unattended a necessary component in the ongoing process of evolution.
Recently I spoke to a group of high school sophomores on the topic of depression and attempted suicide. I presented them with a history of my life including an attempted suicide 26 years ago. I showed them had I not survived that attempt and gone on in search of my Life’s purpose, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish all of the remarkable things I’ve achieved since that time. Since each of those accomplishments was built upon the one that preceded it, all of them combined had brought me to be standing before them sharing my message. That speech…that day…before those specific children…was an appointment in My Life that I was able to keep because I have identified my Life’s Purpose.
I spread Hope and Inspiration.
Throughout the day, after my presentation to each class, several students would approach me with tears or heartfelt gratitude for my sharing the intimate details of my journey. My message to them was, and remains, that had I not survived and gone on to find My Life’s Purpose, I would not have been there to provide them with what they needed. When we don’t “show up” for our Life’s unique purpose, no one else does.
And that makes all the difference in the world.
Now that we know why it’s vital to find your Life’s purpose, how about examining why something so important has received so little press throughout the ages?
I think the answer lies in the dark corners of the desire to power over and control others.
If I know that I have been created by a Creator who has given me an indispensable assignment for which I am fully equipped to successfully complete, and that I am carrying within me seeds of that Creator’s energy, who or what would I defer to in making My Life’s decisions or in pursuit of My Life’s Purpose? No one and nothing.
Such a conscious and awakened individual leaves no room for it’s manipulation by others or external events.
Now, knowing that you have a unique Life purpose, and that the absence of that knowledge has been the source of all of your pain and suffering, you can go forward from this moment with the certainty that your job awaits your arrival. It’s compensation is incalculable in monetary terms but priceless in abundance of spirit. Your contribution, through your work is not to a 401(k) plan but rather to repair of the world’s suffering from the pain of separation. Your retirement will not be to Florida but to an eternally flowing river of Consciousness that nurtures All That Is and All That Ever Will Be. Such are the rewards of living You Life’s Purpose.
To Thy Own Self Be True.
I suspect Shakespeare knew exactly what he was talking about.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
No More Worries
>It’s a good time to recall the old adage that goes something like this: “90% of what we worry about never happens.” With the sub-prime mortgage market having gone south, consumer prices rising, two ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with both China and Iran developing nuclear weapons, and a whole host of other challenges closer to home in our daily lives…well…I know I could use the reminder. How about you?
But let’s take it one step further. Let’s move beyond not worrying because “things worried about are not likely to occur”…to the next step of actually thinking, instead, about good things that likely are.
Why? Because thoughts are things and dwelling on them, combined with the power of emotion behind those thoughts, is a sure-fire way to manifest those thoughts into action.
Now I know that to many of you this concept is all New Age Spiritual Feel Good Who Ha. Mainly because you’ve tried it without result. You’ve thought about something positive. Perhaps some “thing” you’ve wanted to acquire or some event you’d like to occur…yet to no avail. You never got the “thing” and the occurrence never happened. And so, you write it all off as so much nonsense.
But what if you actually did get the “thing” or have the occurrence… just not in the time frame you anticipated. You see, we all think that positive thought means instant gratification. And perhaps at some highly advanced application of the principle, with clear intention and lasered focus, it does. But for us ordinary folk, two things tend to get in the way of the results we seek.
The first is Time. We assume that when we focus on wanting something and it does not immediately show up, well then, we and it have failed. However it’s necessary to leave some “wiggle room” for Time to close the gap between where you are and where the thing or event may be at the moment you call it forth.
The second thing is doubt. When you focus your thoughts on what you want and it doesn’t immediately show up, you doubt both your ability and the process, withdrawing the focused energy from your goal. This withdrawal of focus effectively cancels out your intention, guaranteeing disappointment.
So when you think about it, what really gets in our way is Us. With a little knowledge and even less faith in what we know, we self-sabotage where it is we want to go and what it is we want to accomplish.
Rather than worry about the unlikely, or short circuit the possible, how about if we just keep our eye on the ball. The ball is the best we are capable of and certainty that we know how to Be It.
If we have a choice today, and we always do, let’s choose to let go of the fear and disaster scenario and instead focus on how to See and Be the best of humankind.
Oh, yes. As you practice this approach, remember to get out of your own way.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
Bye Bye Apathy
> It’s a good day for justice. Mark Jensen, the Wisconsin husband convicted of poisoning his wife with anti-freeze then suffocating her to death was sentenced to life in prison without parole, and Bobby Cutts, Jr. the 30-year-old former Illinois police officer who killed his pregnant girlfriend was sentenced to life, as well, with the possibility of parole to be considered at age 60.
The “lucky run” era of O.J. Simpson-like escapes from justice appears to be over. Which supports two of my basic beliefs: 1) there are no secrets and 2) the winds of profound change are in the air.
Let’s look at these two beliefs a little more closely.
There’s another story out today claiming that a report to the Pentagon by Marine technology expert Franz Gayl states that “casualties could have been reduced by half among Marines in Iraq if
specially armored vehicles had been deployed more quickly in some
cases.” Gayl found that if the mass procurement and fielding of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles had begun in 2005 in
response to the known and acknowledged threats at that time, as the
United States Marine Corp (USMC) is doing today, hundreds of deaths and injuries could have been
prevented.” What’s this got to do with “no secrets?” Well, apparently Gayl had previously made some pretty damning allegations around this very matter so the USMC gave him the opportunity, on government time, to prove his allegations. And apparently, that’s just what he’s done.
Now combine this with the fact that David Walker, head of the Government Accounting Office since 1998 has resigned to become the head of a new $1 billion dollar private research firm. What is stunning about Walker’s resignation has been his very recent public appearances and statements regarding the “three sets of books” the U.S. government is keeping as well as his warnings that without radical changes to “business as usual” the U.S. economy is a train wreck in the making. Note that Walker was appointed and confirmed by George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George Bush. Walker has no political ax to grind.
These are two of many recent examples that support my belief that we
are moving into a phase of consciousness evolution where deception will be unmasked every time it’s tried.
There is no longer time or place for behavior that will not support the highest good for all concerned. Even esoteric writings that have been the purview of a select few throughout history have begun to surface, becoming available for all who wish to know their content.
All of these events, and more, are why I say “There are no secrets.”
As for my second belief around the winds of change, what could be more obvious than the rapid ascent of Barack Obama (literally predicated upon the word “change” itself) and the simultaneous repudiation of the type of politics practiced by Hilary Clinton?
While this phenomenon is intriguing, it’s critical that we look beyond the surface and see what it is that people are actually seeking.
Yesterday, I was being interviewed by Carolyn Firestone of WBZ radio in Boston. Carolyn Hosts “Women’s Watch” and she asked me what I thought about all the despair that appears to be so widespread. My reply was that I am actually encouraged because I do not see despair any longer. What I now see is dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction is a vast improvement over despair because despair is immobilizing. It is where we have been. But dissatisfaction has an active component that moves people to action. The very vocal clamoring for “change” that is in the air is, in fact, that active component.
What we must stay conscious around, and present with, are the types of changes we seek and the means by which we intend to effect those choices. Change for change sake, without a conscious awareness of where we are, and where it is we wish to go, opens the door to a usurpation of our inherent power as individuals by those who wish to power over us. This has been our history. It will not be our future.
Each of us needs to get our thoughts and our actions in alignment with our intentions and then commit to the tough work ahead that is necessary to manifest those goals.
So, having looked at the news today I am heartened. We are on the right track. No more secrets and the winds of meaningful change.
It’s a great day in America.
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
Waking Up From Drugs
> There are two stories headlining CNN’s homepage this afternoon that relate to drugs and depression. I am quite familiar with one of the stories and not surprised by the other. The first is a report by Michael Chernoff about Jordan Burnham, a seemingly well-rounded and high- performing high school senior in Pennsylvania who jumped nine stories from his family’s apartment in an attempted suicide. The other story is a report about recent findings by Harvard University that in 47 clinical trials, anti-depressants were no more effective than placebos, although those results were deliberately misreported by the drug companies performing them to physicians dispensing them to highlight the benefits of prescribing anti-depressants.
I’m familiar with Jordan Burnham’s story because I live nearby and not too long ago spoke with the Philadelphia Inquirer reporter, Michael Vitez, who wrote extensively on Jordan’s story and who interviewed Jordan and his family as he was released from the hospital after 80 days of care and moved to a physical rehabilitation facility.
These topics of depression, anti-depressants and attempted suicide are ones for which I have a particular sensitivity. I have personally experienced all of them in my lifetime.
The Harvard report comes as no surprise to me. I have written before and expressed my feelings about the over-prescribed, and resulting, over-medicated Western world. What the Harvard report does is to give credibility to a fundamental truth which is that in most cases, the drugs are not needed.
What is needed is not profitable to the pharmaceutical industry and others who have made trillions of dollars off of masking the root causes of so much of our illness and disease…both psychological as well as physiological.
A truth is that we insist upon defying Nature, no to mention our own good sense, by trying to live at an impossible pace. We have thrown personal relationships and quality of life upon the sacrificial altar to paying homage to acquisition and, oftentimes, meaningless accomplishment.
Having for the sake of having.
Doing for the sake of doing.
Trading inner guidance for other-based direction.
Whether a flower, a fish, centipede or a human, it cannot be lacking in the fundamental and necessary conditions for growth without distorting and, ultimately,mutating the end product.
In our case, humans are not designed to live at the rapid rate of speed at which advanced technology performs. But heaven knows, we keep trying. And what we sacrifice in our efforts is all that makes us uniquely and magnificently human.
Such a sacrifice is painful.
Hence, the dis-ease and the drugs.
Dis-ease is the result of mis-alignment. It’s from being out of balance with our true nature. The easy way is to sedate or mask the symptoms, rather than deal with the root cause. Make no mistake about it, even medications that appear to cure dis-ease do not reach to the core of where that dis-ease first manifested. The “seed level” is in our thought forms which then move into our physical body. The real cure is the opposite path from medicating and sedating. The real cure is to get at those thoughts and patterns of thought that are in direct opposition to creating harmony within oneself and in relation to others.
It’s a daunting task, I’ll give you that. And we’re far from fully understanding how it all works and even farther from mastering this approach so I’m not saying that if your child needs a transfusion you should help her or him change their thought forms and skip the transfusion.
I am saying that the road to both understanding and mastering alternative ways to intentionally create illness, as opposed to creating dis-ease by default, necessarily leads us inward to an honest examination of our thoughts, our intentions and our priorities.
Jordan Burnham survived the nine-story jump. Hopefully, as his body heals so will his trust and faith in himself. Hopefully, he will come to realize that all the accomplishments and all the accolades are not only meaningless but also detrimental if we are dong them for someone else’s vision of how life should be lived…rather than our own.
As for the drug companies, they’re unlikely to voluntarily change as they are driven by greed. So, this change is up to us. We must turn down the quick and easy pills for the slower and more challenging route to self-awareness, integrity and congruence by living lives that truly reflect our inner selves rather than the conforming to the outer demands of others.
I know we are on the cusp of making this change. I know it because dissatisfaction is everywhere. Not despair. Dissatisfaction. This is a very good sign.
We have been asleep…a culturally drug-induced sleep. In the darkness of that sleep we have been co-opted. I see and hear more and more people awakening each day. Out of that darkness and into the light.
If the awakened ones need a motto, might I suggest “Rise and Shine.”
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”
A No-Know Blog
> Today was just too hectic to write my usual blog entry. Try as I did, everything conspired to get in the way of my sitting down to write. Since I always like to find the highest meaning in everything (as you regular readers are well aware) I thought I’d find one is how today went as well.
Many of us have a tendency to think that no matter how much we do, it’s never quite enough. We really don’t believe in “quality not quantity” or we’d often realize that we usually get things right the first time and in pretty short order when we trust our instincts. Trouble is, we second guess our instincts. That’s when we usually go astray and wind up putting way too much in to what turns out to be way too little.
It’s late. My day has been long. I’m trusting that my instincts are right. Therefore, this is the message.
Trust your instincts and keep it simple.
That’s it. The whole entry.
Nighty night…
P.S. Remember to click here to download my FREE e-book “TOO MANY SECRETS”