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Intentional Mortgage Defaults: Right or Wrong?
Today, Conservative talk radio host Mike Gallagher posed the question of whether it was right or wrong for people to deliberately default on their mortgages simply because the value of the house had decreased since purchase, and was now “underwaterâ€â€¦ meaning the outstanding mortgage balance is greater than the market value of the house. Mr. Gallagher made it known at the outset that he thought it was ethically and legally wrong to do so.
A horrified, and truly shocked, Mr. Gallagher discovered that 99% of his callers disagreed with him. Putting forth various reasons and rationales (some might say “justificationsâ€) the callers saw nothing wrong with deliberate default.
While I may be as dismayed as Mr. Gallagher, I am not shocked.
When people have been frustrated, lied to and make to feel powerless long enough, anger and vengefulness become the retaliatory means of choice. Add to this almost an entire generation bent on materialism at the expense of ethics, values and spirituality and you’ve got a recipe for disaster… and perhaps violent revolution.
Such is the precipice upon which we as a nation now gaze.
I have no desire or intention to laud people who knowingly and willingly violate the law. After all, I’m a former lawyer. However, because I will not condone such behavior doesn’t mean I don’t understand it.
When Ivan Boesky told a Stanford graduating class in1987 that “Greed is good†he started (or significantly accelerated) the downward slide towards an abyss we are rapidly approaching. You simply cannot make materialism, acquisition and power your sole benchmarks for success without destroying all that is good in humanity.
We are not human beings. The term connotes a noun…a static thing. We are, instead “Being humanâ€â€¦ constantly in a state of change and evolution. As such, we are known by our choices. We are known by how we choose to Be human. If our choices are no more complex than to satisfy our every material and carnal need with total disregard for others, or the long term effect of our behavior, then we wind up where we are: Ruled (not led) by leaders and institutions that have been corrupted by default as we failed to concern ourselves with who they really were or what they really aspired to because we were too busy tending to our own material and carnal needs without giving thought or energy to ethical, moral and spiritual considerations.
Are we too late? No.
Not if you hurry.
Start today.  In your home, in your office, at the supermarket… wherever.  Demand of yourself in every moment honesty, compassion and humility. Leave who you were yesterday behind you for that is, in fact, where it is. You are new today, defined anew by your choices. You have never mattered so much nor have you ever had less time to realize that simple fact.
Is it wrong to deliberately default on your mortgage? Yes.
Do we understand the frustration and anger? Yes.
Are those people crying out from frustration and anger? Yes.
Is there an irreversible storm on the horizon? Maybe
Can you do something to turn it around? Yes.
Will you? ____.
Limbaugh and Shipman: Two Wrongs
A word to Rush Limbaugh. Baloney.
After listening to his tirade blaming feminists and women generally for Anthony Weiner’s poor choices, he has now affirmed for me what I have always suspected. He is a mean-spirited, ideologue jock with a gift for gab and business. Kudos to him for the latter and shame on him for the former.
Yes, I know he was responding to Claire Shipman’s comments on This Week with Christiana Anampour, and yes I know the This Week segment seemed to say that if more women were in positions of public and private sector authority the world would be a better place, but really…. do two wrongs make a right?
It’s not about male versus female. Isn’t it time we got past the “us or them†mentality that has brought humanity to the brink of its own destruction? Just how much havoc do we have to wreak before we get it?
Like everything else in life it’s about balance.
Limbaugh is stuck in the 70’s. Consequently, his reaction is understandable.   Feminism was a reaction to 5000+ years of what author Riane Eisler calls in her book The Chalice and The Blade “dominator social systems.†Dominator systems are based on aggression, domination and exploitation. They are maintained through fear.  Think subjugation, slavery, slaughter, Inquisition, crucifixion, burning at the stake, gas ovens, atomic bombs, and terrorism. The list is, sadly, endless.
We’ve had 5000+ years of dominator driven advice and rule because men have done the advising and the ruling. Are they inherently bad? No. Do they need to be more in balance? Yes. Is partnership with women the answer? Partly.
You see, it’s not a simple as gender. If women rise to positions of power, only to act like men when they get there, then women will be part of the problem rather than part of the solution.
The solution is social systems wherein both women and men contribute their inherently unique characteristics, and God-given gifts, so that together they are able to achieve something greater than either could achieve on their own.
Getting to this realization and then exhibiting an openness to explore the possibilities is the key here. Both genders have some hurdles to jump if they hope to be successful. Men will have to moderate their propensity for aggression (testosterone driven) and women will have to moderate their propensity for emotionalism (estrogen).
But think of it. If these two forces of Nature can first bring themselves into balance, then join with the other in a balanced union and effort, imagine the possibilities. I think we have to imagine the possibilities.
At this point, imagining the alternative is just too scary.
Glenn Beck and Anthony Weiner: The Takeaway
If you can’t see this one… you are likely overdue for an eye exam.
Within the last year, recently disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) made it his mission to lead a personal assault against Glenn Beck in an attempt to destroy Mr. Beck’s career by undermining his sponsors. In particular, Congressman Weiner accused Beck of an “unholy alliance†with Goldline, alleging the company was a “multimedia rip off†and that Beck was using his radio and television shows to manipulate listeners into investing with the company.
Weiner’s attack was designed to destroy Beck by raising questions, through innuendo, about Beck’s integrity, truthfulness and motives. It turned out there was no factual basis for the Congressman’s allegations and he likely knew there was no such basis when he made them.  The charges faded into oblivion.
The Congressman himself was not so fortunate.
With the now infamous photos of Congressman Weiner and his shameful “sexting†revelations, he has become what he set out inflict upon Beck: a pariah whose integrity is revealed to be nonexistent.
(If you cannot see the Divine aspect and irony of this reversal you need to stop reading and call your optometrist to schedule that eye exam).
I have been listening to Glenn Beck for several years and am certain of a few things as a result. He loves his country, does his homework, is sincere, and is the bearer of Light in a darkened world. I call such people “Lightworkers.â€
It’s a fulltime job with no days off.
Congressman Weiner, by his actions, has demonstrated that he represents the antithesis of what Glenn Beck stands for.  The Congressman, it turns out, is a participant in, and therefore a promoter of, Darkness. Now there’s the real “unholy alliance†in this story.
As with all darkness, the Light shining upon it reveals it for what it is.
Congressman Weiner has inadvertently served his country well. He has, by his actions, given credibility and added strength to Glenn Beck’s purpose and thereby empowered the Light.
In the final analysis, this was a classic and eternal clash of opposing energies. Â It has always been the case and always will be that Light reveals, and thereby transcends, all that is dark.
Final Thoughts on Congressman Weiner et al
It’s the day after, so what can I say about Congressman Anthony Weiner that hasn’t already been said? Well, I’m not certain.  But I have a few “off the beaten track†remarks to make and so will try and put this sordid story to rest here by making them.
1. Those women who participated with the Congressman in sexual references beyond that first “tweet†or Facebook exchange are as culpable as the Congressman, and for them to claim duplicity, victimization or embarrassment is its own shame.
2. Predatory sexual practices, whether male-female (the most notorious), male-male (i.e. the Catholic Church); female-male; female-female or adult -child are reprehensible and speak to the emotional illness, moral depravity and lack of character of the perpetrator.
3. Accepting responsibility for reprehensible behavior, absent a consequence, is an empty gesture with no redeeming value.
4. As adolescent and perverse the Congressman’s sexual preferences and behavior may be, it is his willful and knowing decision to lie and deceive his friends, colleagues, and constituents that make him unfit to hold public office and thereby, public trust.
Every day, each of us is confronted with opportunities to confront or deny behavior in ourselves and others that is the basis for a degenerating society. What we do in these moments is our personal contribution to the world in which we live. If each of us is not ready, willing and able to stand and resist the perpetual lowering of the bar for acceptable behavior, then no politician or bumper sticker will save us from self-imposed and self-selected destruction.
Congressman Weiner is A Symptom
New York Congressman Anthony Weiner apparently has no survival instinct. He is patently self-destructive. Not only did he place at risk both his marriage and his career by blatantly pursuing perverse sexual behavior through the internet and social media sites, but having been exposed (no pun intended,) he exhibits neither remorse nor an inclination to admit to his behavior. He’s in denial… publically at least. Personally, only his humiliated and presumably pained wife knows if he’s in denial privately as well.
Brooklyn Democratic Chairman and power broker Vito Lopez has been quoted as saying “Something like this better be put to rest. If it’s left outstanding, it could have damaging impact, even if it means the difference of 3 or 4 percent of the vote in a very competitive four-way or five-way race” regarding Weiner’s chances in a future mayoral contest.
Is that really the issue? Is the potential damage to Mr. Weiner’s political career what the media…what we… need to be focusing upon?
Given the dire economic straights the economy is suffering and the worldwide propensity for revolution, isn’t this a little reminiscent of how the country handled the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski revelations? Didn’t we learn anything from that sordid moment? It’s not about the economy, political careers or even the wanton misuse of power.
It’s about how We The People continue to look the other way… in our personal lives and in the lives of public figures when its simply easier and more convenient to do that than confront the reality.
The reality is that as a culture and a society we have so lowered the bar that we barely blink… and are almost never heard…when behavior is demeaning, degrading and socially harmful. So Weiner gets 15 minutes of media focus for his disgusting behavior and our kids are exposed to one more sexual deviant. So everyone laughs when the “F†word is used at the MTV awards and our children are watching and making a mental (even if subconscious) note. So the likes of Schwarzenegger, Strauss-Kahn, and Edwards are momentarily exposed and perhaps embarrassed (I think that requires a conscience and I’m not sure these guys qualify) and then life goes on for us… and further downhill it goes as well.
It’s really up to each of us to begin to examine our own lives and hold not only public figures accountable but ourselves as well. It’s time (actually its almost past available time) when we redefine and restructure our values, our priorities and our tolerance levels for what kind of world we want to create and live in.
Anthony Weiner and deviants like him are symptoms of an ailing culture. We are both the illness and the cure. Which of those we end up cultivating will be determined by the our choices starting now… and the personal responsibility for those choices we are each willing and able to accept.
I Set Before You This Day
Sometimes there’s just no way around the tough stuff. While I realize my credibility will take a hit with the following statement, I none-the-less feel compelled to make it.
You are living in two simultaneous realities. Both are quite real.
In Reality Number One, the world is experiencing unprecedented and widespread change. Social unrest and faltering economies are breaking down and reorganizing for the good of all involved, even if the transition period is fraught with difficulty and endless challenges.  The outcome, however, is a proverbial giant step for humankind.
In Reality Number Two, the world is experiencing unprecedented and widespread change. Social unrest and faltering economies have created a dangerous global environment wherein opportunists, both political and economic, are exerting every effort, and seeking every means, to meld excessive governmental power to personal financial gain for the few at the expense of the many. The outcome will be the destruction of the world as you have known it.
How can this be? How can both be happening at the same time?
The answer is because this moment is a bellwether for the future of humanity. What is at stake is nothing less than personal freedom and rights granted every human being by our Creator.
There is the potential for either of these realities to prevail. Who doesn’t viscerally feel the yearning for freedom by the Arab youth throughout the Middle Eastern countries manifested through various degrees of uprising? Who doesn’t also feel the violence boiling just below the surface of these uprisings… and the manipulation of those young people by persons with a sinister agenda? Who does not know from human history that absent the presence of Light, darkness multiplies like cancer?
Will the result be harmony or subjugation? Will it end in evolution or devolution? What determines the outcome?
You do.
This is your moment to choose between darkness and Light. This is your moment to join with others of like mind and be heard. This is your chance to put fear to rest and break through the illusion of terror in order to show others who are less certain, the way. This is your appointment with destiny.
You have always had this much power. Â Never before have you been this close to a full awareness of that fact combined with the Will to act upon it.
The future of the world will literally be created this day by your choice and made manifest by your voice. You are the answer. Now is the time.
It has been set before you this day.
How You Can Lower Fuel Prices
Fundamentally, everything in the physical world is made up of energy. Life is all about managing that energy. Now if you believe that we create our reality with our thoughts, then it would make perfect sense that we find ourselves in the middle of a global energy crisis!
To wit:Â Just today, Goldman-Sachs is predicting $5.00 a gallon gas by mid-summer.
So what does managing personal energy have to do with a global energy crisis? Well, while we tend to focus only on external conditions… such as OPEC’s control and manipulation of oil prices… or the lack of sufficient renewable or affordable energy… what if you and I are actually the cause of the energy crisis? What if you and I fail to properly manage our own internal energy we then collectively, though our combined thinking, create a literal global energy crisis?
Well, there are only two emotions: Love and Fear. We are frightened and controlled by fear every minute of every day by the media and, too often, by our religious beliefs. What if widespread fear is a reflection of the misuse of individual energy? And what if enough individual misuse combines to manifest as…wait for it…the global energy crisis?
What to do?
Immediately and permanently, dismiss fearful thinking. Focus on loving thoughts… on what’s right with your life…on what you have to be grateful for…on the best of humankind.
If enough of us move from Fear to Love we may just find, for example, fuel prices coming down… and that could just be the first step in turning around not only the global energy crisis but a great deal more about our world that is created and controlled by fear.
Breaking News
You’ve heard the expression a thousand times. “Follow the money.†It’s used when one is looking to trace back to the origins of how something has occurred. What if I told you that the expression “follow the money†is actually a perversion and a deliberate distraction of a much more powerful and accurate expression?
Following the money may get you a very limited revelation about a specific occurrence… but if you want a greater understanding of how everything in your life occurs “follow your feelings.â€
Your feelings are the fuel that drives the engine of your beliefs and your beliefs are the basis for your thoughts about what is true for you. Whether you realize it or not, what you think about yourself and the world in which you live actually manifests as your reality.
We are always thinking. What we think we create. What we think most often is what we most often create.  This concept is the basis for all of the self-help and self-actualization teachings that have become so widespread in the past several decades.  But if you have difficulty grasping either the philosophical or spiritual basis for this concept… how about a scientific one?
At the quantum level, the conscious presence of an observer affects matter, literally. What this means is that when a conscious observer is present to observe an experiment, the mere presence of that observer changes the outcome of that which is being observed! Consciousness… thoughts… matter.
We humans are actually transmitters and receivers of vast quantities of information. We perform this exchange of energy by way of frequency. Not unlike radio waves. I like to think of it as AM, FM and… well… add whatever letter works for you.  I prefer “CM†as in Consciousness Modulation. The more conscious, or aware, you are of your feelings, beliefs and thoughts the more power you have to create your own experiences.
This brings me to the point.
True power lies within. Fear acts to “jam†the vital information you need to send and receive on CM. Refusal to recognize this, or to take responsibility for it, traps you in a powerless, pessimistic, victim consciousness. It’s a lower frequency wherein very little else can be accessed other than fear. It’s also a frequency that has been broadcast and used for millennia to keep you from realizing and actualizing your own power.
You have Free Will. Today, as you make choices about everything from what to wear to what to eat… remember to make the most important choice of all. Choose to follow your feelings all the way to your beliefs so that you can consciously choose what you think about life, its possibilities and your role in it all.
I assure you that what you tune into on CM is light years (a deliberate choice of words!) beyond anything you’ll ever be able to access on any other frequency.
Thank You Arnold and Dominique
This one is personal.
Time Magazine’s cover story this week is “Sex, Lies and Arrogance: What Makes Powerful Men Behave So Badly?â€Â It’s been prompted by the recent revelations of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the alleged criminal behavior of Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Perhaps, if we use the moment wisely, and exhibit more than the attention span of a five year old, we as a nation (and maybe even a globe) can finally embark upon a long-overdue discussion upon which literally rests our future.
It goes something like this. Women are not property and no one, confidant or stranger alike, has the right to take what they want when doing so infringes upon the person of another.
That’s part one.
Part two is that an exclusively male dominance in ruling nations, setting governmental policy, establishing religious tenets, administering academic institutions, controlling the private business sector and even writing history, for over two thousand years, has resulted in a world woefully out of balance.
The attempt to subjugate, demean and obscure the Divine Feminine role in everything from Creation to spouses has led us to the precipice of moral blindness and, potentially, the inevitable extinction that must follow.
Poor behavior and shameful choices require neither financial success nor notoriety. Someone I knew and trusted, a very ordinary guy of average means, tried to rape me. While so doing, he actually expressed his belief that “our relationship†gave him the right to have sex if he wanted it. My rights didn’t seem to be a consideration.  Miraculously, while being physically overpowered, I had the presence of mind to somehow speak and act in a way that gave him pause, which allowed me to ultimately escape the moment. I will never understand how I had the ability to forgive him, which in my heart I did, although it changed my ability to trust him.  In hindsight, he said it never happened… but denial is one of many mechanisms for abdicating personal responsibility when the truth is too painful to bear.
In the final analysis, sex, abuse of power, violence, greed, deception…a whole host of behaviors… are about Free Will. They’re about the choices we make every minute of every day because every choice is an act of self-definition. We are who we choose to be.
If male energy is about survival, and if left unchecked mutates into dominance, then it’s time we acknowledged and, yes, honored the critical and necessary standing due female energy, which is about nurturing and compassion. Together these energies co-create a framework in which their combined efforts exceed, by leaps and bounds, what either could accomplish alone.
Co-Creation. Balance of Power. The Divine Feminine. The Sanctity of Male and Female Alike.  These are the timely and necessary topics of discussion. Without such discussions, and without resurrection of the Divine Feminine role in co-creation, we are all dinosaurs on the brink of extinction.
Tornadoes, Volcanoes and You
Lately, there is much talk of personal responsibility. Perhaps nowhere is this concept more relevant than when applied to our thoughts. As we look around the globe at social, economic, and political conditions it seems appropriate to ask, “What are we doing, or not doing, that is directly related to what we are experiencing?â€
But what if the same question is equally relevant to the escalation of violent weather conditions we are experiencing worldwide? What if we are causing those conditions, not by global warming or disregard for natural resources, but by our thoughts?
At the quantum level, physicists have proven that the conscious presence of an observer affects and changes the outcome of the event being observed. Consciousness, awareness, is energy that affects matter. “Pay attentionâ€â€¦ that admonition you often heard repeated as a child… now takes on new meaning. Your attention is energy.  How you use it, where you place it, matters. Literally.
We have the freedom, Free Will, to place our attention on anything we choose. When millions, maybe even billions, of people place their attention on the same thing, the effect is likely to be profound.
Which got me thinking.
It’s often said by environmentalists and others that Earth and weather upheavals in the form of volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, warming, hurricanes and the like are “Mother Earth†telling us, in her own inimitable way, that She has had enough. But what if Earth and Nature are not reacting to our behavior, but to our thoughts? What if as we think imbalanced and violent thoughts we create imbalanced and violent Earth conditions?
What if the more people who think violent thoughts then the more extreme and widespread are manifested Earth conditions?
Maybe President Obama and others want to rethink encouraging “revolution†across the globe.  Change need not be violent unless we choose it to be. Maybe we ought to rethink how we communicate and apply certain words and concepts.  Maybe thoughts are things which, once given voice, are made real. Maybe all the violent change humanity seems to be experiencing globally starts in our minds.
Perhaps starting today we each can be more circumspect around what we think and say. Â Perhaps there is good reason to put an end to watching, and thereby energizing with your attention, the violence the media loves to disseminate.
A Native American proverb makes the point. A grandfather talking to his young grandson tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other is the wolf of fear, greed and hatred. “Which wolf will win, grandfather?” asks the young boy. “Whichever one I feed,” is the reply.
Today, by your thoughts, starve violence and feed peace.
Personal Responsibility starts there.
For a new way to think about personal responsibility, language and global change see my new book The Lightworker’s Handbook: A Spiritual Guide to Eliminating Fear. CLICK HERE to learn more.