High Crimes and Deceit

General Petraeus testified on Friday before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. He was explicit in his assertion that within moments of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi he deemed it to be an an act of terrorism committed by al Qaeda-linked militants. Consequently, there are now only two options relative to President Obama, what he knew and when he knew it.

Either the President lied to the American people when he maintained, for weeks following the attack in Benghazi, that it was the video that spurred the attack or he is so lacking in leadership capabilities that members of his Cabinet knew from experience it was unnecessary to tell him what was going on because he doesn’t make command decisions…others routinely do.

The first hypothesis is more plausible, albeit much more troubling, given the fact that despite the uncovering of a blatant lie perpetrated on the America people, this President has not fired anyone and everyone who should have been fired had they failed to comply with the law and advised him of events as they were occurring. The President’s inaction in this regard speaks volumes.

When combined with his Administration’s ongoing refusal to name the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization (self-proclaimed to imposing global Sharia law) while appointing Muslim Brotherhood members and advocates to positions of importance within the Administration, aiding the enemy is a de facto conclusion.

I wrote a post on November 10th that dared suggest treason may have been committed in relation to Benghazi and our government’s use of Muslim Brotherhood intermediaries to arm not Syrian rebels seeking freedom but radical Islamists seeking to do in Syria what this President supported them doing in Egypt.  I no longer feel compelled to use the words “suggest” and “may.” It now appears the President committed treason which demands resignation and prosecution.  In Egypt he publicly supported and encouraged a Muslim Brotherhood backed revolution which resulted in Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi. In Benghazi, he failed to adequately protect and rescue American citizens under attack; knowingly sought to shield our enemies from condemnation rightfully placed upon them; manipulated and withheld vital information from the American people in order to get re-elected and, lied to the American people for weeks following the attack in an attempt to cover up his deliberately dishonest actions thereby continuing to shield the enemy.

Politics gets sets aside on this one. This isn’t about “R” or “D.”

This is about a man so possessed by his own aggrandizement, and in such disregard for the Constitution of the United States, that he believes he answers to nothing and no one in the quest to impose his will upon the Nation. He must be stopped. Such men are dangerous and drive nations into dictatorships that are protracted, difficult to disgorge, and detrimental to society.

It is now up to “We The People” through our Congressional representatives to have the courage and determination to do what is right as opposed to what is easy.  It would be easy to turn a blind eye and deaf ear… then write this off to “politics as usual.” It is not that. These are the willful and destructive actions of a man who has neither earned, nor deserves, the office he has duplicitously obtained. Let us do the heavy lifting and right the wrong we allowed ourselves to be manipulated into believing. Then, perhaps, we can return to the Office of the Presidency the integrity it necessitates and the respect it was intended to engender.


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