Final Thoughts on Congressman Weiner et al
It’s the day after, so what can I say about Congressman Anthony Weiner that hasn’t already been said? Well, I’m not certain.  But I have a few “off the beaten track†remarks to make and so will try and put this sordid story to rest here by making them.
1. Those women who participated with the Congressman in sexual references beyond that first “tweet†or Facebook exchange are as culpable as the Congressman, and for them to claim duplicity, victimization or embarrassment is its own shame.
2. Predatory sexual practices, whether male-female (the most notorious), male-male (i.e. the Catholic Church); female-male; female-female or adult -child are reprehensible and speak to the emotional illness, moral depravity and lack of character of the perpetrator.
3. Accepting responsibility for reprehensible behavior, absent a consequence, is an empty gesture with no redeeming value.
4. As adolescent and perverse the Congressman’s sexual preferences and behavior may be, it is his willful and knowing decision to lie and deceive his friends, colleagues, and constituents that make him unfit to hold public office and thereby, public trust.
Every day, each of us is confronted with opportunities to confront or deny behavior in ourselves and others that is the basis for a degenerating society. What we do in these moments is our personal contribution to the world in which we live. If each of us is not ready, willing and able to stand and resist the perpetual lowering of the bar for acceptable behavior, then no politician or bumper sticker will save us from self-imposed and self-selected destruction.