Rahm Emanuel's Perspective
Whenever I am about to sound like I have an agenda, I think its important to preface that supposition with a disclaimer. So, in anticipation of any preconceived idea you may have about my political orientation, let me say at the outset that I was, until recently, a life-long Democrat. That is no longer true. I am currently a registered Independent. This said, let me turn to the recent White House assault upon Fox News, Glenn Beck, and countless Americans who see the world and the future of this nation differently than they.
It was my habit for many years to watch the Sunday morning television network news programs. I was always a political news junkie and enjoyed the weekly wrap-up and commentary. It has also become my habit to listen to Glenn Beck when I can. So what I know of what Mr. Beck espouses, and the meaning I glean from what he says, is based upon my own personal experience.
Good thing, too.
Because had I listened this past Sunday to what Chris Mathews and his guest commentators said about Beck, and those who are moved by his mission, I would think that he and they are some “right-wing-nut, tea-bagging, birthers” out to wreak havoc upon all that is good in this country. Watching and listening to Matthews, I felt as if I was in an episode of Rod Serling’s “Twilight Zone.” What was being said was dishonest, inaccurate, and biased. A perspective designed to support an agenda and maintain an illusion worthy of Houdini.
Which brings me to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod.
The previous Sunday, both appeared separately, and simultaneously, on two different Sunday morning network news shows to parrot, almost verbatim, a script that had obviously been predetermined. Their script went something like this: “Fox news is not really a news outlet. Its is more of a business with a perspective to sell and market for a profit. Therefore, it should not be treated seriously as a news outlet but more in the manner of talk radio. Other news organizations should treat it accordingly and not follow in it’s footsteps.” (I paraphrase but the point is accurately made). At the time I found it mildly amusing, since it is obvious that all media reporting has seemingly come to have a “perspective”…with network news NBC, CBS and ABC being no exception.
I stopped being amused when, this past week, the White House attempted to essentially blackball Fox News from the White House Press pool. Their shameful effort failed due to a momentary attack of “spinal conscience” from the other members of the pool. They said, “No Fox, no Us.”
The White House then had a change of perspective and Fox was included.
There are several lessons we can take from all of this.
1. Perspectives come is all colors, shapes and sizes.
2. United we stand. Divided we fall.
3. Freedom requires vigilant attention and rapid response.
4. Source within for the Truth. Perspectives change. Only Truth is constant.
I can’t wait until next Sunday morning. There is nothing I need to watch.
I think I’ll take a walk instead and get some fresh air.